Mikey POV Ch 7/16/17

Start from the beginning

I saw a police truck turn the corner and quickly stood up to flag it down before it passed.

CH 17

I approached the car as it pulled up to the curb. 

I heard Bea yelling at me that she was fine, but I ignored her. 

"Hi!" I smiled widely, hoping he wouldn't judge me for my appearance and help us out.

"Hi, you kids okay?" he asked as he looked behind me at Beatrice.

"Um, no sir, actually. My uh," I paused and looked back at her, realizing she wasn't my girlfriend, "Bea, was feeling faint and we really need to head back, but I didn't want to leave her here while I went for the car. Do you think you could give her a ride back to the bike shop while I returned the bikes and get my car?"

The officer looked between us before responding.

"Why don't I give you both a ride? We can put the bikes in the truck bed."

"That would be great, officer, if you don't mind," I replied sincerely.

The officer hopped down from the truck and opened his tailgate. I helped Bea up from the ground and opened the back door for her. It was a steep step to get into the car so I used my hands on her hips to help hoist her up. I helped the officer load the bikes into the back before climbing into the car next to Bea.

"Which bike shop you rent at?" The officer asked as he pulled away from the curb.

"Sam's. Across from the hotel, sir," I said politely.

"You feeling okay, miss?" He asked Bea, looking in the rearview mirror.

"Much better, now. Thank you, this really wasn't necessary."

"Just doing my job. Glad you're okay and that your friend flagged me down."

I cringed when he called me her friend, but I guess technically even that was a generous title. This was only our second date. 

"Didn't think I'd ever ride in the back of a police car," she joked softly next to me.

I tried to smile at her joke, as I remembered the times I had been in the back of the police car. When we pulled up I noticed that she was trying to open her door. She turned towards me expectantly.

"It's the back of a cop car Bea, he has to open the door for us," I explained.

I waited for the officer to let us out and thanked him again.

"Of course. I hope you feel better soon," he said smiling at Bea and closing his tailgate.

Bea tried to bring her bike up to the shop but I stopped her. I didn't want her to pass out.

"I'll do it, go sit down."

"I'm perfectly capable, but fine," she said, sounded defeated.

She was annoyed when I told her that she should wait for me to bring the car around. I took a deep breath before responding. 

"Bea, you nearly just passed out. Please, just stay here. Besides, it'll be faster if I just go myself," I said, looking at her to make sure that she was in an okay enough state that I leave her alone for a few minutes.

"Call me if you need me," I said before turning around and heading towards the car.

I could hardly focus on the road as I drove off the island. I knew something was wrong. This wasn't normal. She had been dizzy before at her party. I made a mental note to Google the symptoms of cancer when I dropped her off at home. I was annoyed that she wasn't taking this seriously and accidentally told her that she looked like shit. I immediately regretted it when I saw her expression but I was pissed off that she wouldn't let me help her. We spent the car ride in silence, which made me even more worried about her, and I had to keep glancing over at her to make sure she was still breathing. 

She finally broke the silence and asked me if I was mad. I was shocked and immediately let her know that I wasn't mad at all. I was just worried about her. I asked her to tell her parents, but she's stubborn and wouldn't budge. She asked me to keep it a secret which I didn't want to do, but I guess I really wasn't educated about any of this and she was. If she thought it was necessary she'd go to the doctor's, right?

When I pulled off the freeway I finally spoke up. I really didn't want her to think that I was mad at her or something. I knew I had acted like a dick.

I was shocked when she actually agreed to go on another date with me tomorrow. I wanted to shout with excitement. Despite her pale face, she was still fucking beautiful. I wanted to kiss her, prove to her that I was still interested. She didn't seem so convinced and seemed genuinely worried that she had ruined our date. 

My heart was racing as I asked her if I could kiss her. To my surprise but utter happiness she nodded. I reached out and placed my hand on her face, leaning in to kiss her. I felt her shudder against my touch and tilted my head to avoid her hat. Unfortunately, she also tilted her head, and I ended up hitting her hat with my forehead. 

I chuckled, closing my eyes when she cursed and apologized, before reaching up and twisting it around so it was no longer in the way. I returned my hand to her cheek and leaned in, finally meeting her lips with mine. She tasted like the Gatorade I had bought her, but I didn't mind. 

She moved her hands up behind my neck and I wanted to keep kissing her, but I reminded myself that I was going to take things slowly with her. 

I reached my hands up and pulled hers from around my neck until they were resting on the console between us. I didn't release them as I stared at her. My heart was pounding in my chest and I smiled uncontrollably.

"I like you, Bea," I confessed, eagerly waiting for her response. Scared to death that she wouldn't say the same about me.

"I like you too, Michael," she said, a smile breaking across her face letting me admire her dimples that were so cute.

I released her hands and she told me that she'd talk to me soon. I watched her as she climbed out of the car and smiled to myself, noticing that the color had returned to her face. I guess she was feeling good about the kiss, too.

"What?" she asked before she shut the door.

"Nothing," I chuckled, "Your, your uh, cheeks. They're pink again."

She pursed her lips and I could tell that she was embarrassed.

"Bye, Michael," she said before shutting the door. I waited for her to get inside before entering my home address and driving home.

Fuck, this girl is everything.

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