Until Next Time - Part 14

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Evgenia's heavy eyelids opened, her fingers grasped at the grass and dirt as she felt her senses coming back. The witch groggily lifted her head, sitting up and rubbing her forehead.

"Fuck," Evgenia muttered under her breath, rubbing her temple. Her head was spinning just a bit but for the most part she felt alright.

Then a banging sound, almost like someone was hitting glass, brought her attention. She looked up, her eyes widened to find her friends.

Her friends were trapped, stuck in a dome made of shimmering white light. Victor was banging against the wall, shouting as loud as he could even though his voice was muffled.

Adva and Bella were beside Victor, Bella was trying to calm the witch down. Minerva was sitting on the ground, Momoko's sleeping body next to her. The knight noticed Evgenia was awake and she perked up, frantically saying something Evgenia couldn't make out.

Evgenia shot up, running to them.

She touched the dome, her hands flat against it. The dome rippled under her but Evgenia could feel just how strong this magic was. 

"I'll get you guys out! Hold on!" She backed away, hands glowing purple as she started a destruction spell.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," A voice said behind her.

Evgenia froze, her magic diminishing.

That voice...

Evgenia snapped around, shaking in her shoes as she saw who that voice belonged to. She could feel it. The magic.

The magic was so strong, pure and limitless. It was nothing like anything Evgenia had ever encountered. This magic... it was exuding from a woman.

A woman stood there, her warm copper skin glowed from the sun's rays as her pure white curls reached her hips. She looked to be about thirty at most, a beautiful sight to see with such a serene and calm face. Her full shaped lips were in a soft smile, a slight amusement made them twitch.

She had dark eyes, eyes that stared at Evgenia with so much curiousity.

The strange woman smiled, placing a hand on her chest, her body covered in a white sleeveless dress that tugged on her chest tightly but was in elegantly loose around her knees. Around her torso was a white corset with gold accents, a sheer black fabric draped from the corset.

That's when Evgenia noticed it, the woman's arms.

From her fingertips to inches above her elbows was empty blackness, patterns of cracks trailing from that black. Evgenia's eyes widened when she realized what those marks were.

The marks of someone who uses dark magic.

The woman had to have used a lot, seeing as her arms were covered in pitch black.

Where the woman had placed her hand, Evgenia saw another dark marking. Her dress had a diamond shaped opening in the middle of her chest, showing a large dark mark where her heart would be.

Evgenia stepped away from the woman, her back bumping against the dome her friends and brother were trapped in. "W-what, what do you want?" She asked, her nervousness quickly turning to anger. Evgenia's scared expression turned to rage as she pointed an accusing at the woman, angrilly shouting, "It's you! You were that weird voice I kept hearing!"

The woman chuckled, clearly amused by this whole ordeal. "Yes, that would be correct, Evgenia."

"How," Evgenia's hand fell in shock, "How did you know my name?"

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