Chapter 15

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Mel located Andrea's phone but the car rental company refused to send it because it was Bridon company property. Since Mel was fired the morning after Andrea's family dinner, she could no longer access their phone accounts. Andrea didn't have El's cell number memorized so leaving messages at the ranger station was her only way of trying to reach her.

Andrea managed to get a few members of her father's household staff to help her in getting her belongings that were stored in the basement. The moving truck was scheduled for her belongings along with Mel's. Andrea's apartment didn't take long to sell. The real estate agent was pulling all the strings he could to get it fast tracked to closing so Mel was staying in LA until then.

"Everything is all set with the movers, they will leave in a few days. My stuff will get unloaded at the rental house we found and leave yours on the truck momentarily. I've made arrangements for them to stay at the motel there in Bridon." Mel said as she stood next to Andrea on the balcony overlooking the garden and courtyard of her apartment building.

"What if she doesn't want this?" Andrea questioned, staring off into the distance.

"You still haven't been able to reach her?"

"No. I keep leaving messages at the ranger station but she doesn't call me back."

"What's her last name?" Mel asked, sitting down at her laptop.

"Danner, but I've already done a web search Mel, nothing comes up."

"That's because you don't have my magic." Mel scrolled down the page, "I guess I spoke too soon. The only thing I can find is a listing for Danner Expeditions, owned by B. and E. Danner."

"That's it! That's her guide business. Mel your a genius!" Andrea ran over to look over her friend's shoulder for the phone number. "It's just ringing. I know she has a machine but it's not answering."

"Maybe it's full." Mel offered.

"Maybe." Andrea said softly.

"Have you tried any of her friends or coworkers?"

"Jimmy should be getting ready to go on shift soon so I'll see if I can reach him."

"While you do that I'll keep trying her business line."

"Bridon Ranger Station, Jimmy speaking."

"Jimmy, it's Andrea."

He clenched his jaw to keep from losing his professionalism and giving the woman on the other end of the phone a piece of his mind.


"She's not here and if she was I wouldn't let you talk to her."

"Why? What's happened?"

"What's happened? You left, again! That's what happened."

"Wait! No, I didn't leave. Well, not for good. I'm coming back. I left a note there at the station when I dropped Toby off."

"I haven't seen a note but why haven't you called?" Jimmy asked, standing up to search the mail cubbies.

"I accidentally left my phone in the rental car and by the time we got it tracked down my father had it shut off. Jimmy please believe me. I've been leaving messages there at the station. Plus I've tried calling the business line."

"Why should I believe you?" Jimmy asked, sorting through the junk mail in Elise's cubby. "I wasn't around years ago when you two were together but I've been here this time around and I can't stand to see her hurt like that. Andrea, she damn near died on the mountain then spent the last few days in a drunken stupor because you weren't here when she woke up in the damn hospital?" Jimmy looked up when Greg walked in. "She's my best friend so it's my job to protect her and your leaving broke her."

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