You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything

From hate to love

From love to lust

From lust to truth

I guess that's how I know you

So I hold you close to help you give it up

So kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

You wanna be loved

This feels like falling in love

Falling in love

We're falling in love"

I listened intently as she finished, she had the most amazing voice that even the angels couldn't beat. I stood back straight up but I can tell the person saw my shadow when I did because I heard a loud gasp. I softly knocked on the door wanting to see this person so badly. I can practically feel the other person's panic as I did and I can her her packing her stuff. Wanting to get in their quickly so I can see her face I start to creak the door open and when it was finally open there was no one there. I looked a around and walked around but no one was in there. I heaved a disappointing sigh and started to walk out. I turned around and looked in the room one last time before I shut the door. The only thing I could think of is "I am going to find you".

I raced home after I picked up my sister and pulled out my songbook. I quickly wrote down my lyrics in their and pulled out my guitar when I was done. I started strumming and soon singing my newly made lyrics.

(My Friend named Roshnie R. made this song and it's called Stuck in my Head)

"Hundreds and thousands of days

Searching high and low

For something that ignites the fire

Inside of me

Walking with this pain in my chest

I thought it would be easy

Turned around and heard her voice

The melody that keeps on playing

I try to find my way to it

But I never seem to make it

That beautiful voice

Still stuck in my head

I'm trying to find it 

But I get lost instead

What do I do

How do I continue

On this long road to find the voice

That's still stuck in my head

Woah.....woah.....still stuck in my head

Starting to worry

That I may never find the one

She is my soul mate

I could feel it as she begun

To sing

The melodies

That made my heart skip a beat, skip a beat, skip a beat 


Turned around and heard her voice

The melody that keeps on playing

I try to find my way to it

But I never seem to make it"

I finished and smiled. This girl is already inspiring me, I need to find her. Why did I think that I might've liked Jasmine, it's obvious this girl whoever she is, is the one for me. I wont stop until I find her and I need someone's help. I picked up my phone and called the person I knew I could trust.

"Matt?" I said 

" Jacob?" He answered back

"Yeah, anyway. I need your help." I told him urgency sounding in my voice.

"What did you do now" he said in an accusing voice

Meet me here please and I'll explain" I said

"Where exactly is 'here'" he questioned

"My house dumb ass" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Oh ok" he said and then hung up.

- A few minutes later-



I opened the door.

"Finally!" I exclaimed it seemed like he took forever. Matt didn't know I made songs or sing and I don't plan on telling him.

"Shut up. So what do you what?" he said as he jump onto my comfy couch. I took a seat across from him on the chair.

"Well, on my why out of school today I heard a girl singing in the music room." 

"Yeah, sooooooo???" He asked me wit a raised eyebrow

"I want to know who it is" I demanded

"Why?" He said. I honestly don't know. It was just something that drew me to her. I want to get to know and see her, no matter who it is.

"I just what to know" I said vaguely and he slowly nodded.

"Fine" he said

"Ok, any ideas?" I asked and he looked deep in thought

"We can asked the music teacher who normally goes in the music room at that time tomorrow?" he said questioningly

"That's a really good idea!" I exclaimed

"Hopefully she will tell us" Matt said and I nodded 

"I hope" I said back. Then we both braced back on our seats. We looked at each other and he said 

"I'll put in the movie"

and I said "I'll get the popcorn" at the same time.

"1, 2, 3 GO!" we both yelled and went to do our jobs. This was how we usually hung out and it was fun. It;s been a long time since we did this. 

And that's how my afternoon went, watching The Notebook, yes I watch The Notebook, Matt and I are secretly romance fanatics but I am way more crazy about it then him but he doesn't need to know that. And thinking about the mystery girl, MY mystery girl.

(AN: Jacob's songbook is on the side. I hope you enjoyed!

-xoxoxo purplebunnies106)

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