Chapter. 14. You broke me first...

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I walked alone in the bitter cold.

I don't trust that Asher guy...

I don't like the idea of him being at Lexi's house.

Was I jealous?


But he's everything Lexi could ever love in a guy...

He's a new,


Non-Bad boy,

and a cat.

Plus, not only did I know he was lying about his parents,

because their both dead,

but Lexi spent all day with him at school.

I got home, and like the past week, 'Mom' pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hi 'mom'" I sighed, annoyed.

" Adrien you're home! Thank dog you're alive!" 'Mom ignored me.

I slid out of her embrace and went upstairs to my room.

I sat in my gaming chair and searched on my phone:

I sat in my gaming chair and searched on my phone:

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I wrote down my results and steps.

Tommorow I'd be getting a call from Kai, hopefully today nothing goes wrong...

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, pondering random thoughts...

At first they were recent topics, like:

why was Lexi acting like we've been talking all day?

Why was she bringing up all these random topics?

And if he knew he was moving to a place where everyone spoke english as their main and first language, then why didn't Asher even bother to learn english?

But then, soon enough, my shoughts shifted to ones I didn't recodnize.

I soon found myself drifting off to sleep.

but, not too long later, I awoke to Andrea screaming at me

"Adrien! Adrien! Get up get up get up!" was she hyper or something?

"ugh, what do you want dork?" I grumbled.

"Adri is here! Adri is here! Come see!" She squealed.

"Huh? What do you mean, I thought you called ME Adri?"

"Just come see" she pulled my ear and I fell out of bed.

"EEK! Adri is here! Adri's here!" She ran downstairs, chanting exitedly.

ugh, what a brat, who is Adri? Her boyfriend or something? Whatever.

I got up off the floor, and changed into my spare white leather jacket.

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