Chapter. 7. Gunshot at your door

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I awoke to Kai over my face, my vision still blurry.

"wake up sleepyhead! Do you know what day it is?" he said in almost a wisper.

oh right, it's his Birthday! Tuesday, December. 8th, 2020

He poked me on the nose as soon as he knew I was awake, and left the room, shutting the door.

I turned over, and fell out of bed.


I got up and my vision became clear.

I took a bath, then, I walked over to my makup stand, dried my fur, put conditioner in it, and brushed it.

I walked over to my closet, opened it, and grabbed a red bow, a red dress, a red and white rhinestone collar, a pair of white earrings, and a ruby and pearl bracelet.

I put the outfit on the outfit and grabbed my white designer bag, $400.00, and went downstairs.

I told Kai I was going out, and that I'd be back by noon. He understood and let me leave.

I walked to the mall and went into the clothes store. I bought him a white infinity scarf, a black hood with strings, a white shirt, a black hat, and a multi pocket bag.

I went to several different stores as well, then I left, I was back home by 11:45am.

I wrapped the gifts in wrapping paper and made a card, then I put them in the living room by the fireplace.

Kai came up to me, and asked me if I wanted to drive around town.

I said sure, and we went out on a drive for three hours!

I hated to ruin the mood...

But I have to tell Kai the truth... About Dad. About everything... Ugh, I can already feel my throat forming a lump... oh no, not the tears... UGH, WHY IS THIS ME? But if I tell the truth... He'll kill dad! I've just gotta not tell the complete truth, only part of it, and make up the rest.

I put my head in my fur and looked down, leaning against the cabinet in the car, crying.

Kai looked over, and stopped the car.

"woah woah woah! what happened, what's wrong, Lexi talk to me!" Kai said, concerned.

I was short of breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm ruining your special day, but I have to tell you, I have to tell you the truth. I'm sorry, I'm SO SORRY!" I sobbed.

"wha- what? what are you talking about Lexi?" He asked.

I cleared my throat, and wiped my tears, facing him.

"*sigh*, Dad's not dead... He's in Jail... This is the reason I hate Gangs, Gangleaders, ect...  He was caught robbing a bank. He took over nine million dollars and a necklace... It's in my bag, He ran from the police. He came home, at what, 6:30pm a few months ago, all bloody, I was on the single couch by the fireplace, it was dark, and I was reading, It was already raining. He was so panicked, and told me to hide eight million dollars that he gave me, along with a few other stolen things... He was arrested, and the police only found a million dollars, the million he didn't give me to hide. I was brought here, five months after dad was arrested... I had a pet cricket, named Choco, I gave him to my dad with a locket, I haven't spoken to him since his arrest..." I finished, crying.

Kai's face showed that he was still processing everything I just said.

He hugged me, and drove us home, like nothing happened. 

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