Chapter. 3. I feel like I'm being watched...

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"yo, get up brat" a familiar voice yelled from upstairs. My step-mom was getting my little sister, Andrea up and ready for her elementary school field trip, and I knew I was next, so I got up, and put on some music.

I threw on a turquoise collar. and packed my notebooks, my pack of cigarettes, my pocket knife, my camera, my tracker with a microphone, and my gun into my bag. I went upstairs for breakfast after brushing my fur.

then I left for school.


Lexi (exact same time as Adrien)

*my phone alarm went off*

ugh... morning already? wait, what's this? let me guess. I have a notebook and a Hamilton book in my paws.

I opened my eyes, yep, I was right. I sat up and yawned.

"LEXI, GET UP!" Kai yelled in my doorway, I pulled my blanket over my head.

"five more minuets" I mumbled

"Nope!" Kai said as he yanked me out of bed, onto the floor, so, I used my 2 books to attack his feet.

as soon as Kai was out, and I stopped laughing, I got up, and took a shower.

I got back and opened my closet and took out a turquoise dress, a turquoise bow, and a turquoise collar.

before I got dressed, I brushed my fur and put some lip balm on.

I and grabbed my bag from where I hung it on the mirror.

I put my phone, my books, and my diary in my bag, (because everything from yesterday was still in the bag)

"Lexi, Breakfast!" Kai called, and I ran downstairs to the kitchen for some food.

I got a piece of toast in a Ziploc, put in my bag with $5000.00 and ran out the door with my coat and bag on, Kai still screaming at me to come back inside for a full meal. This time, he'd made pancakes.

but I kept running anyways.


Lexi and Adrien

I was halfway to school when I bumped into someone, well, hit and knocked over. when I looked at them, I realized that they were the pet I was just thinking of!


"Ow! hey, watch where you're going, dork!" the words just came out of my mouth, but it wasn't what i had intended on saying.

she looked like she had seen a ghost and was going to cry, so, I lent her my paw


"Ow! hey, watch where you're going, dork!" the boy who I knocked over yelled at me, as he got up, I looked at him, and went paler than the snow I lay on, and I realized that his scarf was also underneath me.

I can't believe he called me a dork... but I guess it's true, I mean, I've never really fit in with the others, or had any friends... tears welled up inside my eyes, and I was going to cry when he lent me his paw!

I quickly slapped his paw away and got up. I looked around to see where the school was. as soon as I found the path again, I ran the rest of the way to school with Kai catching up to me.


She slapped my paw away and got up, like she was skattering from something, and while she wasn't looking, I tucked my scarf in her bag... it had a tracking device on it. when she found where she was going, she ran away. Kai ran after her.

LPS Gangleader's Girlfriend Book 1: GunshotWhere stories live. Discover now