Part Three

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Note: I don't know anything about how college works, so if this isn't accurate, (which it probably isn't) then that's my bad. Also, I made up how pai sho works, because to me, it's kind of like chess. Enjoy anyways!

"Hello Republic students, and welcome to orientation! My name is Yue, and I am your group's counselor!" our counselor exclaimed cheerfully. She was really pretty, with chocolate skin, sky blue eyes, and striking snow white hair that was pulled into two messy braids. She wore a flowy sundress the color of the sea, with a black cardigan on top. She wore a choker around her neck, which consisted of a black ribbon with an intricately carved blue pendant.

Yue was a sophomore, but she looked like she was sixteen. Zuko glanced over at Sokka, who was  busy sticking two straws up his nose. I guess she's not the only one who looks younger than she actually is, Zuko thought. 

"Follow me this way, everyone!" she beckoned, her glossy ankle boots clopping on the cobblestone path, and everyone obeyed.

Zuko could see out of the corner of his eye Sokka and Suki walking together. Suki suddenly caught his gaze, and waved enthusiastically for him to join them, much to Sokka's dismay. He shook his head at her, but apparently she wasn't going to take no for an answer, so she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to them.

"Hey, Zuko! I'm so happy you could join us!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

Sokka rolled his eyes. "Suki, you practically dragged him over here."

"No, you're wrong. She literally dragged me over here," Zuko remarked sarcastically.

Sokka and Suki looked at him oddly.

"Did you just..make a joke?" Sokka asked, looking at him like he was a stranger.

Zuko shrugged his shoulders. "Um...I guess I did. Why does you both look so surprised?"

Suki went pale. "No reason! I suppose you just didn't strike us as the humorous type, that's all," she explained quickly.

Yue turned back to face them, interuppting the awkward silence between them. "Ok, everyone! Welcome to the main courtyard! This is really just an outdoor social area, where you can read, study, talk to your friends, or play one of the many outdoor pai sho tables we have set up. You're also permitted to eat here during lunch hours with a professor's permission every-" Suddenly a counselor from Group Two ran up to her, and whispered something frantically into her ear. Yue's eyes went wide.

"How many lemurs did she let loose?" Yue cried out in disbelief. The girl whispered something else in her ear, sweating profusely.

"Oh dear. For Tui's sake, there's nothing the staff can do? I see..." Yue looked back at them, anxiously running a hand through her hair.

"So sorry for the interruption, Group Five, but it would appear we've run into a bit of a...situation in the Zoology division. I will be gone for just a moment to get everything sorted out! I'm perfectly fine, I'm not worried at all!"

She looked very worried.

Before we could say another word, she dashed away with the other counselor, talking hysterically. We stood around for a moment in awkward silence.

"Well, that was certainly something," Suki remarked, gaining a few chuckles from the rest of the group. Everyone started to go seperate ways, chatting in different groups. Zuko dug through his satchel and produced the book he had been reading earlier- the Love Amongst Dragons play script.

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