Part Ten

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Note-  Sorry this update took so long! I've had a lot of school over the past month, but now, for once, I will get the next one done on the date I plan. Enjoy!

"Excellent work on all your presentations, students. I'll input your grades in the next couple of days. Enjoy your winter break, everyone!"

As the students of the engineering class filed out of the room, one pair stayed just outside of the door. 

"I think we did really well, Sokka! I mean, it was mostly you really. I don't know the first thing about hoverboards," Zuko exclaimed, running his hands through his hair self-consciously.

That was really hot, Sokka noted, before he shook himself out of his daze. He could not afford to lose his cool now, not when he's just realized how he feels about Zuko. Just play it cool, act how you normally do. 

He shrugged. "It's a gift. You're the one who tested it out, though, and that takes guts, considering my less than comforting encouragement."

Zuko laughed in response, which Sokka couldn't help but blush at. "Yeah, that's what we're trying to figure out doesn't exactly inspire confidence."

"Yeah..." he chuckled to himself, feeling embarrassed. It wasn't one of his best moments, which just about summed up his first few months with Zuko. 

Suddenly Zuko started fiddling frantically with his leather messenger bag. He searched through it, then groaned.

"What's wrong?" 

"I knew I forgot something. My science textbook is still in there. Just go ahead without me, I'll meet you up at the dorms." Zuko waved Sokka off, and he happily obliged. He didn't want to embarrass himself today.

As he walked across campus in a haze, his mind wandered to the other night. After his embarrassing epiphany in the bathroom, he attempted to play it cool and act like his heart wasn't pounding out of his chest every time he looked over at Zuko. After his friends left, and Zuko went to the library to study, Sokka decided to tell Suki.

He was pretty sure that Suki's immediate squeal could be heard around for miles. "Oh. My. God! This is the cutest thing I've ever heard in my entire life!  Are you going to tell him? Oh my gosh, I have to tell Katara!"

"No, no, no! Don't tell my sister! Look, I wanted to confide in only you about this, alright?" Sokka demanded quickly.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry about that. I just got really excited." Suki shot him a teasing look. "So...when are you going to tell him?"

"I...I don't know. Maybe never, I mean, I don't even know if he likes me back at all. I kind of doubt it," Sokka mumbled, staring at his hands.

Suki promptly slapped him upside the head. 

"Ow! What was that for?" 

"Because you were being an idiot. I'm just going to say that the probability that he likes you back is very high. Besides, even if he doesn't, what of it? You can't act like a sissy. You just need to put yourself out there."

Sokka's eyes gleamed as she spoke, and he channeled his inner warrior. "Yeah, you're right! I just need to be my usual charming self, and everything will work out fine. Well, maybe not for you, if we ever start dating."

Suki looked perplexed. "Why?" Then it dawned on her like a crash of lightning. " Oh, Kyoshi, I'll be the third wheel, won't I?"

He had the decency to look apologetic. "Would you be okay with that?"

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