Puppeteer x Conjurer | Prom Night [1]

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Requested by a friendo on Discord-o, Pup the Arctic Fox!
Anyways, let's gooo!!


Puppeteer grumbled, her mask obscuring her face as she had her hands cover her ears. Why did I decide to stand by the darn speakers? She thought irritably, trying to block the blaring sounds that made her ears just strain to try and not listen.

"Puppeteer!" she barely heard Marionette shout, and she looked her head to the other who had a smile on her face. "How's your night?!" she shouts, trying to get through Puppeteer.

"Going as boring as I ever imagined!" she shouts back, looking back towards the crowd. 

"Oh, come on, Puppeteer! It can't be that bad!" Marionette remarks. "Beside, don't you have a date?"

"I don't-"

"She does."

Puppeteer stiffened when she heard a slightly muffled voice beside her ear as arms wrapped around her waist, a chin gently resting on her shoulder, and she glanced over to see Conjurer's eyes, slightly glowing behind the mask and within the dark. She stuttered silently, her face going redder and redder before she was suddenly pulled away from the speakers, Marionette giving her a thumbs up with a knowing smug expression as she watched.

"Want to have a dance?" he asked quietly, making Puppeteer's gaze glide across him before staring at him before glancing away, and slowly laid her hands on his shoulders as his laid on his waist, the two turning and swaying with the mask.

At this point the Ship Squad was witnessing the entire thing and were squealing from afar while Delilah was taking pictures of the two dancing, and about halfway through their dancing, Conjurer moved his mask away from his face, and gently moved Puppeteer's away, making her face redder as she glanced away. He glanced over his shoulder, aware of the shippers going haywire, and glanced back towards his love before gently spinning her and dipped, kissing her which made her flinch and baerly processed what happened after Conjurer stood up and were now standing off to the side, Conjurer's hand in Puppeteer's.

"I love you, Pup." he whispers, his voice bringing her back to reality, and she glanced away before quietly kissing his cheek.

"Love you too, Conjy."

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