Part 1

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     I wasn't a good person and I knew that. That's why my friends liked me so much. I was heartless and that made them like me even more. I was never loved either. My own parents didn't love me even when they were alive. Nobody was in my life that cared about me so why have a heart anyway? 

      I was kind of emotionless too. I lacked any kind of emotion. I thought that picking on innocent kids with my friends made me feel some type of joy but did it really? My friends seemed to enjoy it and kind of made me the leader of their little "gang". But none of that made me happy. Nothing ever made me happy or feel anything. Not since I was just a little kid. I was so young and innocent then. Didn't have a clue what was really going on with my family. 

      Now I'm much older and I never felt those things again. I would always ask myself what life has to offer for a nobody like me? The answer was absolutely nothing but I wanted to stick around. I wasn't suicidal even though life treated me like crap. So here I was, an emotionless teenager who was unloved and still living through life doing bad things. I didn't think that would ever change until one day it all did.

     It was Tuesday and was a nice fall day. The school season was just starting. I rarely went to school. My friends and I only went there to chase after helpless kids. Usually before or after school. Then we'd chase them into a corner or alleyway. All we did was either steal from them or beat them up. It didn't get too violent though. We weren't murderers. I had a little bit of sympathy. Nobody we attacked deserved to die. Nobody young and innocent deserves to die. I did say I was heartless but I wasn't evil. I would never kill anybody. Even though I knew that my friends would. It's a good thing that they listened to me.

     So it was the start of school. Kids were getting to class. I was just kind of standing around. I had my back up against a fence. As I said, I was just standing around until one of my friends came running past me.

     "Dally, chase after him with us! We've got somebody! He at least has to be a sophomore!" They yelled.

     I immediately began to chase after my friend as another friend of mine caught up as well. I had a total of three friends in my little "gang". Their names were Tony, Stephen, and Shawn. Knowing how fast Shawn was, he was probably already ahead chasing the kid down. 

      The person who was in front of me was Tony and the other one that trailed behind me was none other than Stephen. I ran as fast as I could. I could run fast but not as fast as Shawn. Because man, Shawn could run fast! It wasn't long until all of us caught up with him. He already had the kid cornered in an alleyway. My friends all approached the kid with menacing looks on their faces. I wanted to do the same but for some odd reason, I felt something else.

     "Please, don't hurt me! Leave me alone!" The kid sniffled.

     This kid was a little short and looked a little weak. The bruises on his face said so. It seemed like this kid was already bullied a lot. He also had dark hair and wore a denim jacket. He also had hazel eyes that were filled with tears. This poor boy sat there helpless and in so much fear.

     "Hear, please, just take my money! Don't hurt me or kill me please!" He pleaded.

     "Oh, we'll take your money but we're still going to hurt you a bit!" Shawn grinned.

    Shawn pulled out his blade and flipped it open. I watched the boy cry even more. He sat and positioned his knees against his chest and held them. I didn't know why, but seeing this boy like this, actually changed something inside of me. I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want his money either. I just wanted to let him go. I never saw anybody cry like he did. That's when I said something I never said before.

     "Guys, come on, leave him alone!" I hollered.

     Of course they all listened to me. They were a little shocked that I said that though. Not going to lie, I was kind of shocked at myself. Why did this random boy make me have so much sympathy? Maybe it was because he was crying but tons of kids cried when we picked on them. I didn't know why this random crying boy made me feel emotions for once in my life. Maybe I just felt bad for the poor boy or I was feeling some other emotion I rarely showed. More like never showed.

    "Come on guys, you heard Dally, let's get out of here." Tony stated.

     Shawn rolled his eyes as he slipped his blade back in his pocket. I ruined his opportunity. If it weren't for me, I think Shawn would end up killing most of our victims. He was more heartless than I was. He didn't care about anybody let alone anything in the world. He was one of the scariest out of us. He struck fear into most of our victims. I never knew about his past either. The guy had to have some kind of back story but none of us ever asked him about his past. If we were being honest, Shawn kind of scared us sometimes too.  

     A/N:  Hi, this is my first Jally fanfiction.  If you read this then you're making my heart happy thank you!  I really hope you like it!

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