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A/N: Long time no see. So this chapter is...interesting?



Every time I talk to Alex I can't help but feel a connection, which is weird because I hate boys most of the time. This however doesn't stop them from hitting on me or staring at me like I'm a piece of meat and then getting all butt hurt when I reject them. Trust me I've done this multiple times. Now I'm not saying all boys are like that because they're not but the majority of high school boys are.

With Alex, though it's different he's so fragile and pure. Ugh, I have to stop thinking like this, I can't have people thinking I'm soft. My thoughts are interrupted when I see Josh in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. I also realize that I walked underneath the bleachers while I was consumed with my thoughts.

"Hey Aurora, did you and Alex make it to the nurse's office okay?"

"Yeah, we did. He's such a sweetheart." I internally cringe at the words coming out of my mouth.

"Well, it's good that you two are friends. Anyways I wanted to ask you something?" He asks while moving his hands up and down my arms.

"What is it?" I ask while shrugging off his hands.

"I wanted to ask if you would go out with me tomorrow?"

"Oh." I would like to say that I handled the proposal with grace and dignity.

But that would be a lie.


He looks startled and I bet he's going to ask me if I'm...

"Are you okay?"

...okay. Of course.


Josh looks at me as if I've lost my mind. Well, maybe I have. I'm not some heroin in a perfect love novel. I don't have to let him down softly, or whatever. And I don't have to choose anyone! I have a choice. But if I did want to choose someone.....

"Rory? Are you feeling okay? I could take you to the nurse if you want me to?" I look into Josh's eyes. And I mean really look into them. He seems fine, but not what I want. Not what I want.

"Josh...listen," I say (again). "I'm not interested." I uncross my arms so I don't look defensive. Then I start tapping my foot, kind of like hurry up.

He looks worried which is funny because we aren't even together. He doesn't even have the right to be worried.


"Josh..." I mock. "Just stop!"

Then he crosses his arms. "I think--I think you need to think about this." At this point, my 'temper' is bubbling up. I'm done. So I turn to walk away. Maybe Josh needs to think about my valid and indisputable reasons.

But he grabs my arm. I snap back and yank my arm out of his grip. "Touch me again and I will end you."

Then I duck out from behind the bleachers, just to hear the bell ring signaling the end of lunch.



While I'm sitting in class I start to think. I mean, I'm sort of thinking about the lesson... but not really. I'm thinking of who I want to be with.

In high school, we aren't encouraged to pick forever partners, but why not? I mean logically I don't have anyone to choose. But I don't know. Josh is Josh. But...maybe I should shoot my shot? And Aurora's nice (as nice as you get when you're Aurora) but... I don't know. I mean I've always wanted Josh, right? But Aurora is just so new. I'm probably not explaining this correctly. I mean... maybe I'm different, you know. Well, I don't.

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