New Meetings

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"Hey Josh," I say nervously walking up to him. He's sitting outside on the bleachers writing in his notebook.

"Hey darling,"  Josh says with a sly smirk on his face. He pulls his denim jacket off of the space next to him and gestures for me to sit next to him. I smile at him and sit on the cool metal. I turn to look at him and see him continue to scrawl in his notebook. He's so perfect, and I don't know how I got so lucky as to have him in my life.

He looks up at me with his deep brown eyes, glowing chocolate brown skin, and his slightly parted lips tempting me. If only you knew the half of it.

"So what's up?"

"Huh? Oh um... n-nothing, just wanted to see how you were d-doing and, um yeah." I stumble out.

"Are you blushing, Gomez?"

"W-what? Of course not." I say, turning away, embarrassed.

"Hey don't hide from me."

I turn back around to see him looking at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey what's wrong, Alex? Talk to me."

"I-I umm." I look at his lips and back to his eyes before pulling my head in and placing my lips on his. My hands make their way onto his face while he places his on my waist still kissing me. After what feels like a lifetime, but in reality is probably three minutes I pull away.

"Wow," I say still trying to catch my breath.

"I know, right. How long have you been wanting to do that?"

"For a while now."

"Huh, what made you do it today?"

"I don't know, I just decided today is the day. I mean we're both single and I really, really, like you, so why keep waiting?"

"Maybe you should take that advice."

"What do you mean?"


"Yo man, you'll never guess what I did today," Josh says pulling me out of my dream and back into depressing reality.

I jolt up to see I'm in the cafeteria and Josh is sitting in front of me digging through his backpack. 

"Woah darling,  you look rough," Josh says cringing at my appearance, apparently.

"Sorry, I guess I fell asleep waiting for you," I say, laughing nervously.

"Oh did you have any good dreams?" He grins showing off his pearly whites. 

"I didn't have any dreams, sorry to disappoint. Anyways... what happened?"

" Ok, so Mr. Pickens asked me to go to the office and copy the test sheets, right. So I was leaving the classroom and accidentally opened one of the doors a bit too zealously and I ended up whacking this girl in the face."

"Oh shit. Was she mad?"

"Shh—Don't interrupt me. Where was I? Oh yeah, so her nose started bleeding and she sounded pretty mad so I attempted to give her a hug-"

"Why?" Josh giving random girls hugs? My stomach starts to feel terrible. Like the feeling, you get when someone takes the last slice of pizza.

"Tsk tsk, stop interrupting! Also, I thought that made girls feel better but it didn't work. Anyways after that, I got a good look at her and realized she was beautiful. Like goddess level beautiful." He sighs dreamily looking into my eyes while leaning toward the table.

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