New Girl

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When I walk into Crestwood High School the first thing that catches my eye is a boy.

I know... how cliche.

But when I push open the door with the sunlight streaming in behind me, the setting feels too much like a movie. Maybe my brain felt the need to play the part. I don't blame it. Rom-coms are my favorite movie genre.

He's short for a guy, but I'm also tall for a girl. I like the height difference though. He has chocolate brown hair. No... I'm allergic to chocolate; maybe poop brown hair? Anyway, when his eyes caught mine, his jaw dropped. I mean his mouth could be used for catching more than--

"Ms. Bell. Could you pay attention, please?"

I blink back into reality to see the history teacher-- I think her name was Mrs. Sim?-- standing in front of me, slowly blinking her eyes in her black cat eyeglasses.

My neck prickles. "Sorry I was.. trying to remember where my next class was!" I hear snickering around the class. 

And a red wire inside me snaps. More like...Explodes.

"Oh shut up!" I shriek, sweeping my head around to glare at every single one of them. "It's my first day; give me a break!" Silence greets my outburst. You could hear a pin drop. 

"I'm done," I say, roughly grabbing my binder, shoving it into my bag, and standing up. I look around the class for dramatic effect before I walk out of the row of desks and stride up to the teacher's desk. My cardigan streaming out behind me.

I lean in close gripping the side of her desk and whisper to Mrs. Sim: "If you put this on my permanent record, my brother will come to this school..." I look into her eyes. It shocks me when I realize that most of the teachers in this school are so young.  Her eyes remind me of the sky when it's about to rain. "And rip your throat out." I finish grinning. I lean back up and spin on my heel to face the door. Well, can't back out now. 

I slowly walk over to the door and slip out of the room.  I turn my head one way and the endless sea of red lockers assaults me. I turn my head the other way and I see classrooms. And more classrooms. I take a deep breath and walk down the path with the classrooms. At the first door, I pass, I turn my head and see a bunch of freshmen hanging onto the teachers every word. It makes me smile slightly, to think of when I was a freshman. When my family was normal.

When my dad and brother weren't in a gang. When dad wasn't the gang leader.

I keep walking. Occasionally I do a little skip, but only because no one is around. I walk to another classroom, but before I can look in, a door literally bangs in my face.

Ow! What the-!


"You can leave to copy the test sheets, Josh," Mr. Pickens says, looking at me over his glasses. 

"Okay Mr. Pickens," I say loudly. Mr. Pickens is a bit deaf in the left ear, I think it's because he's 56 going on 100; Alex thinks it's because he teaches band. 

I grab the paper and stand up, walking to the door. I turn my hand slightly, looking at the little corner where nobody goes. It's a little dusty back there I think... I think it'd be a good place for a kiss. Not that I have anyone to kiss. Those are the random thoughts that make my mind so brilliant. At least, that's what Alex says when I feel like a colossal nerd.

I slam open the door a bit too aggressively. Whoops.

"Ow! What the hell, dude?"

I nod my head up a bit to see a girl glaring at me. With a stream of red blood sliding down her face.

"I'm so sorry," I say, wrapping my arm around the girl. Maybe it'll comfort her or something? To no avail. She slaps my arm away and reaches into her bag to grab a tissue.

"Um, can I help you?" She says, tilting her head back to try and clot the blood. She actually looks calm other than the fact that's her nose is having it's 'Time of the month'. "Seriously, stop looking at me like that."

"Like what.." I trail off, looking at her a bit more closely that she's closed her eyes. She has black hair, I think. Her head is shaved but there's a little hair coming out so it's kind of hard to tell. She's tall. The same height as me, I think. She opens her dark green eyes. They're twitching a bit. When you look into her eyes you get that same sorta feeling when you make a good comeback. That sweet burning feeling.

"So... I didn't catch your name?" I wince. How does  Alex manage to pick up guys when I can't even manage to get a girl's name?

Her twitching eyes narrow at me.

"I didn't throw it."

Then she rolls her eyes --presumably at me-- and stuffs the used tissue in her bag. "It's Aurora. But most people just call me Rory" She tilts her head at me. Why is that so attractive? "Please  don't make it a habit of opening doors on me and making my nose bleed."

But before I can ask her anything-- probably her number, even though I've never been that kind of guy-- she walks away. And all I think of as I stare at her retreating form is: 

Where did she come from? And when can I see her again?


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please don't forget to comment on your opinions and vote. Also, side note do you guys think we should make a cast or just let you use your imagination?

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