chapter six: awkward rides

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Hinata POV
Watching the city go by was the only thing I could do to counteract the awkwardness that lingered in the air of Kageyama's car.

After our previous discussion in that alleyway, I was sure he would just leave me there, either that or interrogate me.

Instead however, he offered to take me home, which took me more by surprise than the conversation itself.

I kept peeking over to him, perhaps to find an opening to make conversation.

But his eyes were fixated to the road with a calm expression, one completely different from the one he was using before.

Each time my eyes wandered toward him, they'd turn back just as quickly.

And here I thought I was the conversation maker out of the two of us...

I wondered if he was also feeling the strange tension between us, since, for the first time in a long time I was too worked up to tell how he was actually feeling.

"Your house is around here right?" he asked calmly, and almost as if nothing had happened.

"Right!" I said a little too quickly, not even checking where we were and agreeing right away, "Y-You can leave me here... I know my way"

"Well I already took you this far" he mumbled, "I might as well just take you all the way"

He didn't get any of my hints it seemed, hints that, to anyone else would be screaming, 'I don't want to be alone with you right now'

I didn't realise how close to my house we actually were, and honestly I was a little surprised when Kageyama remembered the apartment address exactly.

"This is it?" he said unsurely.

"Sure is!" I said, trying to put on a regular voice as to match his normality toward the situation, "Sorry to keep you out this late"

"I'm the one who came to you, didn't I?"

"Yeah but- thanks... a lot"

"Just think of it as me paying you back- f-for taking me back the other night... that is"

"Sure thing! See you around, Kageyama"

I said 'see you around', but in actuality that was the last thing I wanted.

A part of me wanted to forget the existence of Tobio Kageyama all together, and I was so consumed by embarrassment to even consider the possibility of wanting to see him ever again.

"I will" he said, sharply, "Actually I... hope to see you some time soon"

"Well that's very out of character"

"Shut it..." he mumbled before saying goodbye, letting me out of the car and rolling up his window, driving deep into the night until his car was out of sight.

'I... hope to see you again soon'

Those words played on in my mind from the reception to the elevator, and until I got to my room and passed out on my bed.

Why would he want to see me, after I just embarrassed myself in front of him like that?

This is nothing like highschool embarrassment, like when I missed a receive or even a spike at that.

This is something completely different, a feeling that's been planted into the pit of my stomach and refuses to stop growing.

It's a feeling that, up until the moment my eyes shut and my mind switched off, I prayed would go away.

Kageyama POV
I peered at him through my rear view windows as I drove away from him house, looking at him as much as I could until, finally I was too far to see him.

If me a couple of days ago was told that I'd run into Shouyo Hinata as a stripper, I'm certain I wouldn't be feeling the same way as I was that night.

You'd think I'd be shocked, maybe even disgusted in a way.

But somehow, in that moment, those feelings were replaced with a euphoria that I couldn't explain even if I wanted to.

Why wasn't I disappointed?
Why wasn't I upset?

Why was I happy that my earliest friend was doing something like that in front of me.

More importantly, why was I angry?
Not at him, but the people around me.

Why were they watching?
Why were they looking at him like that?

Why were they laughing, and dancing and throwing money around?

A part of me wanted myself to be the only person there.

Whether that be out of an individuality complex or something completely different is alien to me.

All I knew is that the person didn't change that feeling of longing.

I don't care that it was Hinata.
The person himself isn't what drew me.

Maybe, that person being Hinata worked out for me better than I thought it would.

Because, driving away from that apartment, I wanted to see him more than ever...


ok, I want to start off by saying SORRYYY this was SUCH a late update omg.

I'm writing this at 11 and there's literally school tomorrow oop-

Again, I will edit in the morning.

I just want to thank y'all for the early support on this, it's really helped my motivation to write chapters, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

anyways, see you soon :))

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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