chapter two: a familiar stranger

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"Kageyama~kun... how- are you feeling?"

I turned myself to face the door that I heard the voice come out of, and walking into the room I was in was a person who looked a lot younger than I was.

I was still dizzy, and to be honest I couldn't see all that well, but the person who was now standing in front of me with a glass of water was definitely someone I knew... or at least used to know at the time.

Something like... a familiar stranger.

He handed me the glass, and sat down himself bed, waiting for my response.

"F-Fine I guess..." was all I could manage to say in the midst of my confusion, "I'm... fine..."

As soon as the water hit my lips, I realised just how thirsty I was, and within seconds I had downed it, realising only after the glass was empty just how quickly I had drank it.

"You don't sound all that fine" he responded, taking the glass from my hand, "Or look it"

"Sorry for asking... but I-" I started stuttering, almost a little too quickly, "Do I- well I don't mean... you just- seem a little uh... familiar?"

"You seriously don't remember me?" he giggled.

The moment he smiled at me, it all came back.

It was like a tsunami of nostalgia came crashing on the beach that was my memory, like that sudden change of an expression pieced it all together.

"Hi-nata...? H-Hinata!?"

It was unmistakable; I was practically kicking myself for not seeing it earlier.

"Bingo!" he said, pointing finger guns at me, "Did ya miss me?"

"I- well I- wha..." I was so surprised I was at a loss for words, "Of course I didn't..." I lied, looking away.

Of course a small, sickly part of me actually missed him, I mean, given everything how couldn't I?

But it's not like I'd ever admit to something like that. Almost four years and he hasn't changed one bit...

His hair had grown out quite a bit, although it still wasn't long enough to tie up. From where I was he seemed a little taller to.

On top of that his face hadn't changed; he still had that stupid expression that could make anyone feel at home.

"What am I- doing here..." I asked awkwardly, still trying to recall exactly what had happened last night. I had to ask him eventually, right?

"You don't remember?"

"I- I do! Kind of..."

"That's not exactly an answer"

"Of course it is!"

Ok, so I didn't remember everything about last night.

"I remember uhm... drinking?"

"Uh huh"

"And... walking?"


"And I remember... lights, and some really loud ass music and... and...-"

That was around the time I remembered exactly what had happened; where I was, who I saw... although it was unclear who it actually was.

Something about them was too memorable to forget...

"Hinata- how... exactly did I get here?"

He was already standing up at this point, and saying that he looked at me like I was an idiot.

"I took you here... isn't that obvious?"

"Y-You did?!"

Given the situation I probably shouldn't have been more surprised than I really was,

"But- how did you... how- I..."

He sighed and helped me up, although I was still pretty wobbly.

As he made breakfast, he explained that I was passed out at the place he worked. He said he was lucky to have recognised me, otherwise he would've just called a cab.

"So you work at-"

"At a club yes... I'm- a bartender there"

I think he left out the strip part on purpose.The last place I'd expect Hinata to be working is somewhere like there.

But whatever his reasons are, I'm just glad he found me and not some random.

More than where he worked however, I was more confused about him.

You'd think that he'd be the type of person who'd keep in touch with everyone, but for whatever reason no ones heard anything from him.

At first I just assumed that he was avoiding me,  which I wouldn't blame him for.

But as it turns out, he kind of just fell off the face of the earth...

As much as I wanted to, it wasn't mine to bring up. Whatever reasons he had have nothing to do with me. And it's not like I ever tried reaching out to him anyways... that's what I tried telling myself.

But even I can get curious sometimes...


I didn't actually know how to end this chapter, there was quite a lot I wanted to do but that'll happen a-later.

I have a feeling s p i c e was expected but I'm working on it I swear

chille anyways

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