chapter five: lies and truths

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I know yen is used in Japan, but I just thought it'd be easier for all of us to use close-to an AUD/USD currency.... you get the idea ;~;

(I'm hella tired and I'll edit tomorrow, sorry if the grammar or spelling is bad rn)

Hinata POV
'Five hundred.... five-ten...five-twenty.... five twenty... five?'

By now, you'd think I'd be good at counting money, but as it turns out I'm just as bad as maths as I was in high school.

I decided to count today's earnings later, gently placing the notes in an envelope and messily labelling it, 'April 2nd', like I've been advised to do since I started this gig.

I thought I'd break the routine first week in, but now it's become more of a habit.

I unlocked my locker and took out my bag, chucking the envelope in and slinging it over my shoulder, yawning.

I usually dont stay late two days in a row, which is probably why I was more tired than I'd been in a long time.

I checked my phone, which read: 'April 3rd, 4:23am'

I narrowed my eyes at the bright text, and scrunched up my nose in disgust.

"What a joke..." I mumbled to myself, silently disappointed in myself for being so careless.

As much as my job takes up the night, I do try and keep a stable sleep schedule.

I looked around, sighing at the unusually empty dressing room. I stayed late tonight, later than I probably should've.

Somehow, I guess Kenma knew that I would, because placed neatly in front of the doormat leading to the back exit was a key, and a note that read: 'Lock up on your way out'

I picked it up, along with the note which I stuffed in my pocket.

I unlocked the door and stepped outside, shivering at the less than expected cold breeze.

These days are pretty chilly, despite it being April and springtime of all things.

Following Kenmas instructions I locked the door, tracing the door handle with my fingers and putting the keys back in my bag.

Looking ahead, a familiar sight lay in front of me, the backdoor of the change rooms lead to the ally that is the path for the lit up city.

Although now, most places are already closed.

Maybe some part of me likes these kinds of nights. Not having to worry about being anywhere or going places.

But to an extent, the whole situation can get more than a little terrifying.

I guess I don't like being alone after all...

As I adjusted my bag and yawned once more, dialling for a taxi and beginning to walk to the main roads.

Just as I was about to press call however, the presence of a person behind me caught my attention, and the surprise made me forget what I was doing.

I turned around defensively, looking around frantically and trying to get myself off edge.

Maybe even trying to give myself piece of mind.

A voice coming out of the darkness however, alerted me of the person I'd been seeking.


I jumped a little, facing the voice head on, a tall figure lurked from the darkness.

An uneasy lump formed in the back of my throat, one which I swallowed graciously and backed away slightly.

"H-Hello?" I stuttered dumbly, not even beginning to question how they knew my name in the first place.

As they came closer my nerves started to rise and my alert heightened, and being too confused to run away I just waited until they were under the street light.

But my nerves were comforted when the figures features came into view, and a tall, dark haired boy who was all too familiar was enough to feel relieved.

"Kageyama" I sighed loudly, crouching down and catching the breath that I lost holding, "It's just you"

"Well- yeah...." he said, looking down at me as I stood up, seeming confused as to why I looked so relieved.

"Sorry, sorry I- I thought you might've been... someone else"

"Someone else? Are you waiting for someone"

"What- no! No, of course I'm not... I mean, someone else like a... nevermind"

I wouldn't expect him to understand whatever I was feeling at that moment.

With his masculine features and overall scary exterior, I can see why he wouldn't be afraid of places like this this late at night.

Back in highschool, I would often get mistaken for a girl at night, and even more so now that my hair grew out a little and, you know, the fact that I'm walking out of a strip club.

"Kageyama" I asked, "What are you-"

It took me a little while to realise what was actually happening.

Four in the morning.
Waiting for me....

In that moment all of the nerves that had been erased came racing back in only a matter of seconds.

He looked at me, blankly and narrow eyes as I continued backing away, gulping back anxiety and waiting for an attempt to run.

Even though in that moment we didn't exchange words, we both knew exactly what was happening.

I tried to say something, anything to try and convince him that he had the wrong idea. But my lips just quivered as I cut myself off at every word.

I was stupid.
Really dumb at the time.

It was one night ago.
Why didn't I think he'd come back?

I knew it would be sus of me to run away, I guess it would completely ruin every chance I had at explaining myself.

But I didn't care.
Not one bit.

I just wanted to leave, get out of there as soon as I humanly possible.

I wanted to stop these overflowing emotions that were starting to eat me up inside.

I gritted my teeth painfully and lowered my head, turning around abruptly and going to run.

Maybe running away is all I really am good for...

But a tight grip on my wrist stopped my pace, stopping me in my tracks as I looked down shamefully.

"It was you right..." he asked softly, "You're not a bartender here... are you?"

I gritted my teeth and ripped my arm away, standing there and failing to look him in the eyes.

"No" I whispered.... "No"


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