Who that guy?

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(Before this,a short disclaimer,i can't use real name and pic due to privacy reason)
One day our neighbour visit me to my dad and ask about like Where does your son study?My father tell all my education in details so the uncle was like listen my son too wants to enroll in college because due to his sickeness  he can't learn well there(His son were studing in some other states before)now he is fine but he wish to continue here in this home-town so can you help us,so my father say don't worry i will help you fir sure and the uncle let his son higher secondary certificate to us in the table,there i saw his face,his name was Trevor

(Before this,a short disclaimer,i can't use real name and pic due to privacy reason)One day our neighbour visit me to my dad and ask about like Where does your son study?My father tell all my education in details so the uncle was like listen my so...

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(In next chapter we will see our bonding)

My first year of my college lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora