First day of college

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It was on the month of june:the rainy season days,the weather was same as my mood(Cloudy) on how excited i was about to go to new college...and the college authority have not issue any uniform  because it was new set up,so we have to come in colour dress(In some places,uniform were not recommended only id card and colour dress but here in our town it is different we have to wear uniform as a part of the rules)but i think it is a good rule because it will provide more uniformity in college ok stop that  let continue to story,so being first day of college,dressed up casually,fixed my hair in spikes hairstyle, grab my dairy and ready to go...
When i was about to go my dad told me"son let drop you"
(Sat on my dad bike,we drift off to college)
After that,he wish me Good luck and Dont fight(Goes away)
Now here is the problem starting here where i have to start walking throught this road alone and i don't see any of my friends walking throught it(i thought like wow this is going to be interesting)Saw bunch of guys walking with their friends down the road and let me tell you this,the college was opened newly so there were lots of thousand of people enroll in there and the college also accept it all since it was new,they also need lots of students,now walking throught the campus,and the condition of the road was awful and the rain was till drizziling and let me add this the college were still under construction like the topmost college hall was still under construction and the other two storeys were completed
I saw some bunch of people were already there but i didn't see any of my there came like one elderly person came and say to us to go to the top most hall and wait all the students go up there...the moment i step in the hall...i saw one of my past school friends that i haven't seen for 6 years were there and some high school friends that i haven't seen for 2 years we also there,i was excited to see them but they were not excited to see me as i do,seriously i was shocked,"i thought like People really changed after being apart for many years" there friends circle were completely different from me,so if someone did not greet you well you also feel embrassed to be with them right so i sit in one corner near the window,and thought like why i have been here?
So after 15 minutes,One elderly person who later i came to know he was a about to be a lecturer shouted to all students to sit to the chair as it was already arranged,so i forward upwards and sit in 5th row of front corner near the window(You know what window are the best part of imagining things when you get bored and get scolded from teachers)kidding i was not being scolded after finding my own sit,i saw punch of guys come near to me and say can we sit here,i said like yeah you can it's is not reserved and honestly saying they were loud like i was sitting in fish market and after that one of them from the group ask about me,like which school do u get transferred and where are you from? And we ask each other about class and stream because we don't whether he is junior or senior and he happen to be my junior and we made good friends,got contact no. For any information about college so after many boring welcome to college speech,fake hands clapping,standing ovation for the person who you don't know in your life and some motivation speech from speaker(which is good thing to learn) and most important thing refreshment of juice and samosa for some students any function without refreshment is incomplete

So we are announce to go to class in next week

And when we set to go off for home the rain were raining started raining heavily

Man,i went to home and was about to get cold but i was fine

So in next chapter,we will see one person in my life,let check it out who that guy?

My first year of my college lifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz