11. Chapter No one will ever understand

Start from the beginning

"What Justin and I?" I asked Pedro, he looked disappointed, or maybe I imagined it. Maybe I want him to be a little disappointed or even jealous? Honestly, he looks really good. As I was about to go back to work, I saw a headline.

'If you liked this article, you might also like the following: After a dancing lesson with the ex-girlfriend; Justin was seen out for dinner with a hot, mysterious woman.'

Without hesitation, I pushed my index finger on the screen to be able to read more. And it really was Justin, he has met another one after we were together at lunch, and I went home, he went out with another woman. Asshole. And of course, she was super-hot, I don't know maybe it was even Amanda. This also explains why he hasn't called in the evening. He said himself that this is over, all his side-chick stuff would be over. That stings. He plays a game with me. With me, after all we have been through. Luckily nothing has happened between us. No sex, not even a kiss. Yes, and that's why he does that, (YN). Because you give him nothing. I need time. We just meet for a few days, what should I have done; throw myself naked at him on our first date? It's not as if you had never slept with him and you want him...so why play? I don't play, I'm just cautious, after all, he has broken my heart a few months ago. Get finally over it. Okay, this self-talk leads to nothing. Pedro already looks at me strangely.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. "You are suddenly so pale."

"Yes, I've just...we still need to contact the limousine chauffeur." I replied and shook off the actual thoughts and sat back down at my desk. Pedro put his phone back in his pocket but I could feel him staring at me. Why is Justin doing that to me? He knew I would see that. I though we were on the way to get back togehter. I'm so stupid.

"Are you and Justin together again?" Pedro asked hesitantly, my eyes fixed my monitor. "Or you wanna try again?" He added, leaving more space to answer.

"We're just friends." Lie. But I won't tell the truth, because I don't know the truth myself. And maybe Pedro's not such a bad match for me, since Justin is don't it, why shouldn't I also could take a look what else is on the market. And Pedro was obviously interested in me.

"Only friends, aha." His voice sounded suspicious. Can't blame him...it was a lie. "But that he meets other women bothers you."

"What are you now my psychologist or clairvoyant?" I snapped at him. Oops, I didn't meant to. He jerked back and immediately raised his hands in surrender. I cursed under my breath and closed my eyes briefly.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit tense because of all that stuff." I said softly and looked into his fascinating green-brown eyes. He smiled at me and nodded understandingly. What a charming smile. Who was Justin again?


"You didn't just do that?" I laughed with wide eyes and open mouth, as Pedro had put a full scoop of ice cream into his mouth and thus fought not to spill it out any second.

"Brain Freeze!" He murmured mouth full of chocolate ice-cream, and looked as if he was really in pain. I was sorry, but the sight was just too funny. I laughed with tears as he was suffering under his own idiocy. After work, he invited me. We went for a walk on the pier with our ice cream. And yes, the paparazzi were there the whole time. Shall Justin see that I also can play that game.

"If that wasn't sexy, then I don't know." He laughed and wiped the leftovers from his chin.

"However that was really impressive." I laughed. "You still have some ice on your cheek." I added and pointed my hand to his face. He wiped the wrong cheek. "Wait, I'll do it." I said, hesitantly lifted my hand. He looked me straight in the eyes as I studied his whole face. He was really beautiful. I gently wiped the ice with my thumb from his cheek and then brushed my hand with my handkerchief.

Recovery 3 (Sequel to Recovery1&2 - Justin Bieber FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now