Author's Note

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Hello everyone, this is it, the conclusion to my version of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy. Please note that I will be using OCs as well as characters from Canon and Legends and will give credit to them. I don't know everything about the Star Wars universe and/or any other franchise or universe I enjoy for that matter, I mainly enjoy Star Wars than ANY franchise ever made. Also, I don't own Star Wars or any of it's official images and events so credit goes to Disney and Lucasfilm.

As such, respect my opinions ideas in the comments and I'll respect your headcanon as a result.

I'll try to post better chapters, use the characters wisely and most of all: enjoyment in a franchise I will always love since I was a kid and until the day I die or God calls me home.

With all that out of the way, I will post the intro later on when I can and think before I publish. Always remember: This is my universe, and I do what I want in it.

May the Force be with y'all Always.

Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker(My version)Where stories live. Discover now