Lion Heart P2- Airborne

Start from the beginning

"I just need to know that you idiots are okay," Bakugou muttered. Kaminari stepped aside and watched as Bakugou sped away.

The Racer was no good too high in the sky, but it would work for a short amount of time. At least that's how Deku had described it to him, and Bakugou trusted Deku. He rode the small Racer off the top of the building. It's small wings unfurled and large fans began to start up underneath the Racer's body. Bakugou urged the thrusters forward. He soared through the sky slowly moving towards the ground. 

Bakugou finally reached the 'sweet spot' were the Racer hovered perfectly above the ground. At this point, the machine was at it's fastest and most efficient. Bakugou had attached the map to the space between the handle bars. He winded around the streets. Finally coming across the Underground.

The ground was a truly terrifying place. There were pedestrians everywhere. The Racer was small but could never squeeze through this dense of a crowd. Bakugou sighed and collapsed the wings. The fans slowed to a soft hum still allowing the machine to hover. Bakugou pulled the vehicle around with him as he navigated the dense streets. He looked to the sky longing to be there. Longing for the open air even for the aggravating sky paths. 

He shook this thought out of his head. He was here for a reason. Bakugou stopped in front of a tent. A small lamp hung above the entrance of the shop. Bakugou looked at the Racer. He didn't want to part with it, but he was sure that he had to. He set down the machine and turned off the engine. It would only start if some had the key, but even knowing this, it still terrified Bakugou. 

Bakugou pushed through the flimsy curtain. Inside was a small bar and a few strange characters. 

"Well, I never imagined seeing you again," said a man from behind a counter. 

"Kurogiri," Bakugou greeted.

"What brings you to my humble abode," asked the man. 

"Where's Shigaraki?" Kurogiri studied Bakugou's face. The man sighed before responding.

"The boy has done something again I suppose," he said.

"Where is he?" Bakugou asked again. 

"I don't know. Tomura and I went our seperate ways a year or so ago." Kurogiri explained.

"Fuck that. If he was somewhere in the city where would he be?" 

"Why would he be here?"

"How the fuck would I know? I just want Deku back, and I know its that damn ashy bastard," Bakugou spat. He turned around and took a deep breath. He had to think with a clear mind regardless of how little Kurogiri would say. 

"He's actually going to do it?" Kurogiri muttered to himself. 

Bakugou spun around losing all composure he had tried to maintain. He grabbed Kurogiri's collar and pulled the man halfway over the counter. "Do what? Kurogiri answer me. What's happening to Deku?"

"Midoriya knew something about the league, obviously or he wouldn't have been our target. You see when we were torturing Midoriya he wouldn't give anything up, and that pissed off Tomura. So he started taking Midoriya apart piece by piece and transforming him into clockwork."

Bakugou released Kurogiri. "You guys are monsters."

"I don't know what Tomura plans to do with Deku, but I do know that there is some sort of machine which is theoretically able to power a Leviathan on only a quarter of its power. We didn't have the necessary part so it shouldn't really be a concern unless he's figured out a way," Kurogiri paused for a moment thinking it over. 

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