Why did you do that?

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Trigger warning! Suicide Attempt!

Willow was done with it all. Years of the voices shouting at her finally convinced her to end it all. Evenings were usually quiet along the road except for a single car that she could guarantee would go speeding by. Such a speed that could end it quickly for her.

The familiar white head lights turned onto her corner. The white light grew larger as the car drew closer. Willow looked down at her phone and saw the wallpaper of her mother, whom she would soon be joining. She took a step forward into the road, never looking away from the phone and waited for the impact to come.

The impact came...

....but not the one she was expecting.

She was pulled backwards by someone and fell back onto the pavement.

"Hey, are you ok?" This guy asked seemingly concerned.

""Why did you do that?!" Willow exclaimed.

"You were going to be hit by a car!"

"No really? I had no clue."

"You're making it sound like you wanted to be hit by that car!"

"Well maybe I did!" She huffed.

"But why?"

"BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR IDIOT!" Willow was raising her voice, getting annoyed at this mystery person. "My mom is dead! My dad left before I was born! My family hates me! All my dreams failed me! I have nothing left!"

"What were your dreams?" He asked, curious about the girl.

"It's stupid."

"Can't be anymore stupid than what I did."

"What did you do?" Willow asked seemingly curious as to his job now.

"I dropped out of school. Moved home at 16. And now I drive for a living."

"Well then my dream is stupid cause I wanted to drive for a living!"

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. Formula 1. The big dream! Yet cause I'm a girl and I have no sponsors and stuff, I never could make it."

"You like formula 1?"

"Yeah. You know it?"

"How the fuck have you not realised who I am then?"

"Well your not Carlos Sainz that's for sure!" Willow rolled her eyes.

"Try his teammate."

"What the fuck?!"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lando Norris." He stuck out his hand.

"Willow Evans..." She shook it.

"How old are you Willow?"

"I just turned 17, why?"

"I'm sponsoring you." He declared.

"What?" She breathed out.

"I, Lando Norris, am going to sponsor Willow Evans and help her find a team for formula 3."

"You are?" She looked up and met his eyes, showing the confusion and joy in her face.

"Yes. I mean you must be a pretty good driver if you want to join us."

"2 karting championships. 15 wins. 22 podiums." She told him.

"Damn! How long have you been karting?"

"2 years." She said timidly. Not many people were a fan of the girl's natural talent.

"2 years and all those achievements! Willow, I'm getting you into F3."

"Lando I can't ask you to do that!"

"If I don't would you promise me that you never kill yourself?"

Willow didn't answer.

"See! Let me do this! You would reach your dream and I can get rid of some of my seemingly endless money!"


"Come on, it's cold out. Do you have a place to stay?"

Willow shook her head.

"Well you're staying with me. Let's go!"

Word count - 552

I wrote this as a one shot and now I'm thinking of turning it into a proper book... GOD WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! The problem is that I want Lando as a older brother figure for her which means I need to find someone she could date! I think I just need to watch more F3...

If you related to this story in anyway then mood cause so do I! I'm not going to tell you to not do it because knowing me I will end up being a hypocrite and doing it myself. If you need someone to talk to I'm defiantly not the right person but before you do it please think of your family and friends (if you have them) and at least leave a will or something or maybe just run away first and so that way your just missing and not dead like they think. SEE I AM NOT HELPING! Although I did just give myself some ideas... 

BEFORE YOU START SCREAMING HELPFUL MESSAGES AT ME! Don't worry cause I'm half sure I won't do it and anyway I have all the help I need in Kate and Meg. So if Meg dies, I die. And if me and Meg die, I'm mostly sure Kate would die. Then we would meet up and attended all the F1 races together for the rest of our afterlife for free!

Until next time... maybe... BYE! xx

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