School Girl

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(In this one shot, Lando is 20 and Alyssa is 18 in sixth form)

It was the end of a long school day for Alyssa. Her school exams were next week and they had been studying non-stop. As soon as the clock ticked 3, the entire class packed up their bags and were leaving the building.

"Hey, you walking in this direction?" Lily asked.

"Yeah." Alyssa replied

"Woah! What's going on over there?" Kelsi pointed out the huge crowd that was forming. The girls all walked over and then saw the reason behind the crowd. A bright orange McLaren was sitting on the side of the road, no one could see whose it was as the windows were tinted black.

Alyssa took in a sharp breath. She knew whose car that was and knew why it was here. She turned to the girls and said,

"You know what. I'm not walking that direction anymore. I'll see you Monday, right?"



Alyssa then turned and pushed through the crowd. Everyone was shocked to see her walk up to the door and get in. She put her seatbelt on and then looked at her boyfriend.

"Lando! What have I said about picking me up from school?"

"To not to." He sighed.

"And what have you just done."

"Picked you up from school."

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he began to drive.

"Lando, I love you, but I'm not the only motorsports fan at school. If they were to figure out who you are, I'd never be treated the same again. And I quite like being the shy smart person in school."

"I'm sorry babe. I just wanted to have a nice evening with you to get your mind off exams."

"Awww. You're sweet."

- - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - -

"Alyssa!" Someone shouted out. She turned to see her two besties, Lily and Kelsi running at her.

"Hey girls. What's up?"

"What's up? How about the fact you got into that fancy sports car Friday and drove off in it." Kesli exclaimed.

"Oooohhh. You saw that, did you?" Alyssa nervously asked.

"Of course we did! If we hadn't, we would have heard about it. You're the talk of the school." Lily told Alyssa.

"Why me?! I don't want to be popular in the gossip world!"

"No one does. Now explain!" Kelsi demanded.

"That was my boyfriend. He wanted to pick me up so that I could have a calm evening before final exams."

"You have a boyfriend!" Lily shouted, "That came out way more shocked than I am."

"Spill." Kelsi spoke.

"He's cute, funny and a perfect gentleman." Alyssa dreamily said.

"Look Lily, she's blushing! You are so in love with him."

"Yeah. I guess I am."

"Can we get a name?" Lily asked.

"NO!" The two girls looked shocked at the sudden outburst. "I'm sorry, but he's sorta known and I don't want to be all over the internet yet. We are making our relationship public after I finish school."

"Why then? Aren't you going to uni after this?" Kelsi asked.

"I'm doing online university. He travels around a lot, so by taking my courses online, I can travel with him."

"That's cool. But wait, we won't see you as much then." Lily sounded disappointed.

"I know girls, but I love him and it's hard enough having an LDR and I'll still visit."

"So what I've just learnt is that we have 2 more months with you until you disappear somewhere around the world. So I say we go to Starbucks for lunch and we enjoy every last minute together!" Kelsi exclaimed

"Let's do it!"

Word count - 592

This has been my emergency draft for months so it's time to get rid of it. It's defiantly not my best work! I mean compare 'The Crash' it's complete trash. I don't really like this chapter however I still think it's funny in some parts which is why I'm posting this. I'd also like to apologise for it being so quick but I have much better content to come so look forward to that! x

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