The Crash

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This is absolute crap! But I haven't posted in a couple days so I thought you deserved something! ENJOY!

The race was right in the middle of it. Lap 49/71. Everyone, including the drivers, were eager for Formula 1 to start again after summer break. Max Verstappen was leading the race with Lewis Hamilton in pursuit. Everything was great till Perez ran into a problem.

"I have no breaks!"

"Repeat that please."

"I have no breaks! I can't slow down quick enough."

"I think we may have to retire from the race. Can you stick to a lower gear until you can get back to the pits?"

"F**k! I can't get out of 8th gear!"


"I'm stuck without breaks in 8th gear!"

All of a sudden, the long straight he was on came to an end. He found himself not able to slow down and he knew he was going to hit something. That something though wasn't the barrier like he had hoped, it was Y/N.

As Y/N was turning around into the first corner, she found her car being hit in the side. Her car barrel rolled until landing right side up. The car was still moving at high speeds and the car embedded itself inside the barrier. The back wing was the only thing people could see but it caught on fire and so smoke covered the area.

The session had been red flagged and all the drivers were wondering why.

"What's going on?" Max asked.

"Has someone crashed?" George wondered.

"Why are we being red flagged?" Charles asked.

Those who had already gone past the pit entrance and had to go around once more, spotted the smoke. One of those was Lando.

"I saw Perez, but who was in the barrier? There's so much smoke that I can't see which car it is. Who is it Jarv?"


"Jarv? Who is it?" Lando was getting worried that there was no answer.

"It- It's Y/N." Jarv told him nervously.


Lando pulled the car to a stop and everyone was confused as to why. He rushed out of his car, and began to run towards the accident. The marshals were already on the scene trying to put out the fire and pull the car out but it was a struggle. They also spotted Lando running over and two of them, who happened to be Lando's friends, went over to restrain him.

"No! Let me go. I have to help her!"

"I know that's your teammate and friend but you can't just run into the scene and possibly get yourself hurt too."

"That's my girlfriend, idiots."

The two looked at Lando in shock. Nothing had ever been announced so they had no clue they were in a relationship.

"I love her too much just to let her die. Please. Please let me help her." Lando was tearing up as he spoke. He couldn't bear to lose Y/N. He couldn't go on without her.

They had gotten the car out of the barrier but though all the tears, he couldn't see if she was ok. They put Y/N onto a stretcher and moved her into the ambulance. The marshals walked Lando back to the paddock where he was stuck until he was able to calm down.

George, Alex and Charles all knew about the relationship and had come down to comfort Lando. They had gone into the cool room where they could be alone and were trying to get Lando to stop panicking. They decided to go outside to get some fresh air when Lando was stopped by Jarv.

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