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This was requested by @uniquejulia . I hope that I have done it justice. ENJOY

Daniel and Kelsi were the cutest pair on the grid. You could often see them running around together and playing about. They were the ones who would be breaking the rules and playing pranks.

The whole grid knew of their relationship because of how obvious they made it. They were always teasing each other. Running around and being cheeky. They were a very similar pair which made them all the more compatible.

There were a few people who didn't like the relationship. Many of those didn't like it because they were too much of a mischievous pair but others had different reasons.

Lando wasn't un-approving of the relationship as Danny and Kelsi were two of his best friends and they were perfect for each other. He only wished it was himself dating Kelsi.

Lando was watching as Kelsi kissed Daniel on the cheek and then ran away with him chasing after her and then hugging her from behind and tickling her. Lando was so wrapped in watching the moment that he didn't notice his teammate come and stand next to him.

"Hey Lando. What's up?" Carlos asked him.

"Nothing much." He turned his focus back to Kelsi and Daniel.

"Girl trouble?" Carlos deducted.

"Am I that obvious?"

"I mean you're staring at her but from a distance cause she's already in a relationship."

"So I am obvious. Why him? Why did she have to date him? Why can't it be me?"

"You have to admit, they are an adorable couple." Carlos put his hand on Lando's shoulder. "Come on. You'll get over her soon. For now, let's get back to the garage. Qualifying is nearly starting."

Lando turned and left with Carlos. What he didn't see was Kelsi staring at him while he was walking away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Kelsi was concerned about Lando. He wasn't acting like his usual self and it showed on the pictures. After Q3 and all the interviews were done, Kelsi went to see Lando and she pulled him over to the side, in between the Mclaren and Renault paddocks.

"Lando! What's wrong? You're never smiling on camera anymore unless you know you are being photographed. What's up?" She confronted him.

"It's nothing. Nothing important." Lando tried to brush it off.

"If it wasn't important you would tell me!" She reasoned.

"There's nothing wrong. I'm fine." Lando tried to walk away but Kelsi grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"Lando! You are one of my best friends! Please tell me what's wrong?"

"I like you!" He blurted out. He looked down to the ground and took a breath. "I like you Kelsi but I can't do anything about it cause you're dating Ricciardo."

"Me? Dating Daniel? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard." Kelsi started to laugh uncontrollably which attracted the attention of a certain someone.

"What's going on? What's so funny?" Daniel walked over and asked.

"He- Thinks- We're- Dating-" Kelsi tried to tell him while still laughing. Daniel also began to laugh when he heard this. Lando was so confused and felt as though he was missing some information.

"I'm confused. What's so funny about you two dating?" He asked. Kelsi and Daniel took a minute and composed themselves. Kelsi then asked Lando a question.

"Lando, do you know my last name?"

"No. Come to think of it, I have never heard your last name ever been said. Even on paper, you're just Kelsi." He was confused as to what this had to do with anything.

"Lando, the reason no one knows my last name is because I want to be known as me and not be known cause of my last name."

"Wait, so what's your last name?"

"You sure you wanna tell him?" Daniel asked.

"It's time he knew. He's one of my closest friends. And your future teammate." Kelsi turned back to face Lando. She took in a deep breath and began, "My name is Kelsi Elizabeth Jane


"Did you say Ricciardo?!" Kesli nodded, "So that makes you two-"

"Siblings. I'm 26 years older and proud of it!" Daniel boasted. Lando tried to do the math in his head but only got more confused.

"DANIEL JOSEPH RICCIARDO! Don't confuse the poor boy. He's 11 years older. I was born on the 29th of February 2000. According to my brother I'm 5 although he's the one who acts like a 5 year old sometimes. "


"So let me get this straight. You two are siblings............. which means you're not dating like the whole paddock thinks............ which makes you single."

"Oi! She's still my sister!"

"Danny! Go away!"

"Fine but I'm watching you two!" He made the hand gesture where he put two fingers to his eyes and then pointed them at the pair and then walked off.

"So Miss Ricciardo, are you doing anything Tuesday Night?" Lando asked. Kelsi just smiled and took a step forward. She leaned in and kissed him. After a minute they both pulled back so that they could breath. Kelsi rested her forehead on his and just replied,

"Does that answer your question?"

Word count - 846

So that was it! Hope you enjoyed it. Did anyone figure it out before the reveal? I want to just say that in my head, Lando and Kelsi are the same height; Daniel got all tall genes. And also Kelsi had a crush on Lando too so that's why she kissed him. I also want to apologise about the beginning. I'm not good at starts so I really struggled but I hope the rest of the story made up for it. Should I make a part 2 where the world thinks Kelsi is cheating on Daniel with Lando just for fun? Please vote and comment because I need attention and I'm insecure about my writing xx

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