The Last Gathering

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I stood beside Poseidon and looked down at the boy we both loved while Grover said his goodbyes. After a few moments of silence, the god put his hand on my shoulder and continued looking at his son.

"It was his time, Annabeth." It wasn't a comforting statement to hear, but one that I needed to hear nonetheless. "However, I did not expect it to end like this. But I feel you should know," he turned to look at me then, and his eyes were gleaming with tears. "He prayed about you, every day, and I heard him every time. He loved you more than you know." He patted my shoulder and turned toward the door. "You should go to the hill. They're waiting for you." And then he was out the door.

I left Grover in the cabin to mourn on his own and trudged to the top of Half-Blood Hill. And there on the other side of the magic barrier was Sally and Paul, waiting for someone to retrieve them. I knew they couldn't see me standing in front of them, and instead just saw a strawberry field stretching into the distance.

"I, Annabeth Chase, give you permission to enter Camp." With those words, it was like I suddenly appeared before them. Their eyes widened and they saw the valley for what it actually was: The Big House, the satyrs wading through the strawberries, the campers leaving tokens at the door of the Poseidon cabin. They saw the pegasi and the nymphs, and could hear the monsters rustling in the forest. Sally had an easier time adjusting to everything because she had been able to see through the Mist and was aware of the world that surrounded her. But Paul was astounded, confused by everything he was seeing for the first time. He had understood in words what Percy's life was like, but he had never really seen it for himself aside from the battle with Kronos. He had never seen this life in a peaceful state.

"Come on, I'll take you to him." I reached out for Sally's hand, and she gladly took it and allowed me to lead them to Percy's cabin. There was a long line of campers waiting outside the door to pay their respects, but when we approached they parted immediately to let us pass. I took a deep breath and opened the door for them, and it took my breath away again to see him lying there, utterly lifeless. I left Sally and Paul alone in the cabin and told all the other campers to scram for the time being.

I knew that Chiron was working on the burial shroud, but since I had already prepared one for Percy once, I didn't have the heart to contribute again. So I walked with Grover as we talked about our favorite memories of him, how he used to laugh at all the wrong times, how he always got himself into trouble he couldn't handle on his own.

Eventually, Clarisse of all people, came up to us and told us it was time to burn the shroud, and that Chiron was looking for me. I found him inside the Big House with Sally, Paul, and surprisingly, Poseidon. They were all sitting on the couches waiting for me, and when I walked inside they stood. Sally looked over to Paul and Poseidon, took a deep breath and said, "We've decided that Percy should be buried here. He loved this place more than anything, and I think it would be wrong to bury him anywhere else." Poseidon was nodding with Sally, and the love in his eyes was unmatched. He stared at her round belly and smiled, knowing what joys were about to befall her and Paul. I had the feeling that, if Sally had agreed, Poseidon would have made her his immortal wife long ago, with the way that he was looking at her.

"I agree," I said. "I think that's a wonderful idea." I blinked back tears and continued. "It should be down by the water. If he could've picked, that's where he'd want to be." They all nodded in agreement. Poseidon, Paul and Sally went back outside, leaving me and Chiron alone in the house.

"I know this has been a horrible day for you, but I do have something that I'm hoping will – at the very least – make you feel not quite so alone." At that moment, the front door opened, and in walked Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, and Tyson.

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