Asher slowly drove his car around and parked it while Raven watched Jessica run off to greet the next car. "This pack is massive," she said. Asher gave a nervous laugh.

"Yeah, I know right?" he said. Raven looked at him in the rearview mirror.

"Dad, if it gets too much we can go home ok?" she offered. Asher shook his head.

"I'm fine, it's fine," he reassured her. "besides, we need to meet the pack and you can go make some new friends."

They stepped out of the car into the makeshift parking lot and they walked towards one of the buildings where others seem to have gotten together. Following a sign wrote FOOD THIS WAY! MAIN DEN decorated with glitter and markers, Asher made his way up the large stone stairs of the den.

Pushing open the heavy wooden door he inhaled the pack scent, and shivered a bit. Raven wrinkled her nose behind him.

"It smells strange." she said.

"Well, that's there pack scent. Each pack has their individual one, it's strong here since they all live here," explained Asher.

The moved through bodies of people to the large kitchen, which had a large kitchen island in the middle stacked up with food. Raven put the chips and salsa down and suddenly there was a loud shout.

"RAVEN! RAVEN HEY!" screamed Minty, long hair swinging behind her. Asher saw her at the other side of the room and Raven shot her a glance, then looked back at Asher. He shooed her away with her hand.

"Go mingle and meet some new people," he said, "I'll be fine.". Raven looked back at Minty, then back at her dad.

"... alright, but if you need help just call for me ok?" she said, then turned her back and left, leaving Asher alone. He let out a breath through his mouth and headed to the counter, pouring himself a cup of lemonade.

Sipping it out of his red solo cup and moving along with the flow of the crowd, he almost spat it out when he bumped into the moving body of a brown haired man.

"Hey watch it!" They snapped, then turned to look at him. Asher flinched a little bit under the glare of the oddly yellow colored eyes. "Wait a minute, who the hell are you?" Asher tensed a bit, but suddenly the man in front of him stumbled a bit as someone slung their arms around his shoulder.

"Rooch! Meet Asher, they just moved into the town. They're living at the old Brigton house," said the loud familiar voice of Jeremiah. Asher glanced up relieved.

"Hrmm," was all Rooch said, muttering it into the depths of his cup.

"Sorry for bumping into you," said Asher nervously. Rooch waved his hand.

"Nah don't worry about it," he mumbled, "any friend of Jerry is a friend of mine." Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

"Yes yes. Why don't you go outside with the others?" he suggested. Rooch took the hint and walked outside with his drink.

"Well Asher! Glad I found you. Let me introduce you to some people, and of course the alpha," said Jeremiah, clasping a hand on Ashers back and pushing him outside.

Outside the den there was a large open porch. Lights were strung up everywhere, there was a fire pit and the smell of roasted meat.

"Hey! Ben!" he hollered. A short looking guy with a butch cut turned around, then brightened when they saw Jeremiah.

"Jerry!" they said, and thwacked him on the shoulder. "Where the hell were you this morning? We needed your help setting up," they complained. Jeremiah gave a sheepish grin.

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