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The concept of soulmates was one almost everyone knew. No matter your background, status, or gender. One thing connected humanity, and that was the concept of soulmates. Everyone had one. On everyone's wrist was a timer. A countdown. Once you meet your soulmate it reaches 0. Some people don't get to meet their soulmates till they were old, some get to meet their soulmates when they're young. Some people never get to meet their soulmates. 

I stared wistfully at my wrist watching the seconds tick by. It was getting awfully close to the time where I meet my soulmate. The person I am destined to be with forever. The person to love me and stay with me when times were rough. My father hoped that the person I'm supposed to be with will be wealthy and bring fortune to our family. My mother hoped that I will be happy and truly love whoever I end up with. I couldn't care less about wealth. I just hope that whoever I end up with will love me. 

I left the house like every other day heading off to my job. My family wasn't the most wealthy, but we weren't completely poor either. I walked by a couple newsies and entered the sewing factory. I hated my job. It was hot, cramped, we got no breaks, and if you got hurt you were expected to continue working. The bell rung and all us girls got to work right away. It was 6 a.m. and I got off at 5 p.m. I was lucky to get off earlier than the others.

We all slaved away for hours. Sweat, blood, and tears were shed as a few girls got hurt. Less than normal though which was good. I felt bad as the man who watched over us refused to let a girl, who seemed only to be the age of 8, get her hand bandaged. I felt myself become distractingly hungry yet continued to work. The sounds of sewing machines were the only thing I heard as they didn't like us talking to each other. After what seemed to be ages the dismissal bell rung, allowing us to leave the building. We exited out, one by one through the tiny doors. I wiped my brow trying to rid the sweat, when I noticed the numbers on my arm revealed that I would be meeting my soulmate soon.

Too soon. 

I didn't look presentable and I was an exhausted and hungry mess. My hair must look frizzy and my clothes were dirty. I felt like I could collapse and according to the time on my wrist I meet my soulmate in 20 minutes. The moment I've been looking forward to is now a moment I dread. I'm going to make a terrible first impression. I bit my lip feeling completely and utterly frustrated. Tears started to rush to my eyes but I willed them back. I weaved between people on the streets trying to make it home as fast as possible.

The thought of dinner and my parents filled my head slightly comforting. I can eat and go to bed. The warm soup my mother said she was going to make made my mouth water. I could practically smell and taste it already! Then I could lay down on my firm and slightly uncomfortable mattress and let sleep take me away to a far away land. The thought made my eyes droopy and the sleep I've been fighting almost controlling me. I bumped into someone snapping me out of my haze. I looked up at them feeling more alert. 

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, the words spilling out of my mouth. I couldn't help but notice the stranger I bumped into was extremely attractive. From the brown curls that rested upon his head to his hazel eyes, to his plump lips, to his tan skin that was slightly covered in dirt. He seemed to also stare at me for a bit before apologizing back. 

I glanced at my wrist, a habit I made when I met someone new, and noticed that it had stopped ticking. My countdown has completed. The newsboy who stood in front of me was in fact my soulmate. The nerves I felt earlier today where gone, due to exhaustion or his presence I couldn't tell.

"Well it seems that you're my soulmate newsboy," I said with a tired smile. His eyes widened and he looked down at his wrist, his mouth slightly parting as he saw that it showed 0. He looked back at me with astonishment which flustered me. "How about you come with me, we can have dinner with my family." He seemed incredibly nervous and I could understand why.

"My name is (y/n) by the way," I said ready to hit myself for forgetting something so simple.

"M-my name is Mush," He responded with a small smile, his voice just as beautiful as him. 

I nodded as I started to walk, motioning him to follow me (which he did), "You don't have to meet my family so soon. Yet I would like to meet up with you sometime."

"I would like that too!" He said eagerly causing me to giggle slightly. "A-and I wouldn't mind meeting your folks. I just wasn't prepared for dis." 

Understanding him completely we stood in front of the apartment building I lived in, "So would you like dinner then?" 

He nodded opening the door for me to enter. My parents were excited that I finally met my soulmate, trying to make him feel as welcomed as possible (even if he was just a newsboy at the moment). My father was slightly disappointed but didn't make a fuss. My mother wouldn't stop gushing over us as we blushed at the remarks they made all night. How they would help plan our wedding and how they wanted grandchildren. Mush seemed happy though and that's all I cared about. 

This was better than I could have ever imagined.

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