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THE DAY FOLLOWING CLOVER'S ARRIVAL HAD BEEN one of the best days she'd experienced this summer so far. Cedric had woken her up the break of dawn and after little to no deliberation, the two decided to spend the day out. Cedric had always told the girl about the beaches his parents used to bring him to as a child and considering the fact that the two had a day to waste, the beach seemed like an amazing option. The two set out at noon with a small picnic, (courtesy of Mrs. Diggory), and took the muggle bus to a nearby beach.

Clover couldn't even begin to describe the beauty of the beach. From the glittering water reflecting and shimmering like a diamond in the sun to the multicoloured houses lining the beachside, the sights were truly incredible. Cedric and Clover had split their time between swimming in the crystal waters-which were littered with the odd cluster of seaweed, and out of the water on the pebbly shore.

The sun was now setting over the town of Ottery St. Catchpole as Clover and Cedric trekked their way through the town, each clutching an ice-cream from a local shop.

"This is definitely on par with Fortescue's." Clover argued while Cedric shook his head in complete disagreement.

"No, no, no, absolutely not!" Cedric protested, "Fortescue's ice cream is unmatched and you know it."

"You're unbelievably stubborn, Mr. Diggory!" Clover laughed, rolling her eyes at her friend.

"I'm not stubborn," Cedric replied, his voice low as a smirk crept across his face. "I'm a Hufflepuff...I value LOYALTY!"

Clover shoved the boy lightly, "Yeah, Yeah, Ced." She drawled, "Loyalty my arse! You tried to ditch us last year on the train to sit with Cho!"

"You're still on that?" 

"Yes, yes I am!"

"At least I never ditched our friends to date the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain," Cedric poked while he finished his ice cream causing the girl to shake her head. "Even though you knew I didn't like him!"

"You didn't like him because Hufflepuffs had playoffs against him." Clover pointed out, "Besides, it wasn't like that lasted long, it was over after, like, what? A month?"

"Still..." The boy grumbled while the girl placed a lazy arm over his shoulder. "You snogged the enemy."

"I did and he was very good at it," Clover remarked, earning her a scoff from Cedric. "Now stop groaning, we're almost back at yours." Cedric chuckled slightly and the two continued to walk the remainder of the path back to the Diggory household.

The evening seemed to slip by quickly, and before the two could even process it, they'd eaten dinner and gotten changed into pyjamas. Clover, now, sat on the couch flipping idly through a book she'd grabbed off of the shelf in the living room, while Cedric laid across her with his head in her lap as he threw a small ball up before catching it. Their two cups, which were previously filled with tea, were now drained as the two relaxed in a comfortable silence.

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