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FROM THE VERY MOMENT SHE WAS BORN, her parents knew that Clover Amira Carstairs was far from an ordinary girl. There was something about her that just seemed so- different. Her parents had often found the young girl in the unusual predicaments with zero reasonable explanations. From toys floating when the girl was happy to books mysteriously flying off of shelves when the girl was mad, Louise and Benjamin Carstairs came to the firm conclusion that their daughter was some sort of unnatural phenomenon.

As the girl grew older, her unknown abilities seemed to grow more and more out of control, as if they were bound in chains and were slowly being released. Clover's parents didn't know what to do. They'd never been in a situation like this before nor had they ever heard of other people experiencing this. It wasn't until the girl's eleventh birthday when everything began to unravel.

When a woman in emerald robes showed up on the fifth of July at noon, on the doorstep of the Carstairs' household claiming that Clover was a witch, Louise and Benjamin thought they'd simply gone mad. They'd thought that the woman was pulling their leg and conducting some form of elaborate mad practical joke. But that was only the start of the madness and there was no way of telling just what was to come in the following years. So while Clover went off on her own adventures in an unknown world, her parents had to merely sit back and trust that their daughter was going to be okay.

Five years had passed since the day that she'd been told about the wizarding world and Clover Carstairs had grown into quite the young witch. The girl did well in school and had made many new friends throughout the years but as her sixth year approaches quicker than she could ever expect, Clover has no clue about the obstacles that the coming year will hold, nor could she ever even begin to expect them.

This was a little bit shite but prologues/beginnings are the banes of my existence so, please, stick with me!

Chile anyways, love yall....say it back >:(


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