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(Re-Written Chapter on April 16, 2023)

A heavy figure came crashing into the floor below, a solid thud ringing out as it collided.

     "Ughh.." she lifted her head off of the ground, pressing her hand against her face. That was a solid fall, and by god was her head ringing with the collision sound still in her ears. Compared to her usual environment, her face slowly twisted into confusion and fear as she looked around. It was white. White for miles, seemingly no doors or exits around. Just.. a white space. "Am I- Am I dead?" Her pupils shrunk in fear at the thought of dying. She'd experienced it before, but it still scared her to think she was dead. In an effort to concern her fears, she jabbed her hand into her side, wincing at the pain that followed. Nope. That was good to know at least, she was glad she wasn't dead.

     Now.. where was she? She stood up slowly, dusting herself off as she did. Though she didn't really have any reason to, there was no dirt or anything to get rid of. "Hello?" She called out- to who she wasn't sure. She sure hoped there was at least someone around, her eyes narrowed as she tried to search for any possible exit. All the bright white was starting to hurt her eyes. She looked up from where she fell expecting to see a hole or something, but there was nothing. As if it sealed itself back up once she fell into.. whatever this place was. She had no response.

     She called out once again, her voice a little louder. Maybe she was dead.. maybe she was lost? Wherever she was, it wasn't home. It wasn't with her, where she needed to be. She swore she wouldn't leave her side, and she intended to keep that promise she made years ago. She sat down in the seemingly nothingness, cross-legged and pressing her face into her hands as she huffed. Was she going to give up.. and just die here? No.. no, she couldn't.

She sighed.

and called out one last time.



What was that?

     There was a tiny pitter patter of footsteps from somewhere. She couldn't tell which direction. Everything looked the same. Her head spun around wildly as she tried to follow them, listening as they grew near. There were eyes on her from somewhere. She felt them burning into her head, making her grow worried. She looked around desperately trying to figure out where this presence was..

And then someone jumped on her back.

She screeched as an overwhelming panic set in on her- until the presence spoke. "Oh. My. GOSH!! HI!! ITS SO NICE TO FINALLY MEET YOU, oh but you weren't due here for ages! OH MY GOD everyone's going to be so happy to see you and that you're here I need to-" The girl looked down at the tubby who was turned into a statue, staring up at her in fear. "I'm so sorry I should probably introduce myself!" She jumped off of the tubby and practically bounced up and down in excitement, and offered a hand to the tubby to help her up. She quietly accepted her hand, and was yanked up a little too violently. She stared at the girl confused. "My name is Hazel! And YOU are MiiMii! It's so nice to finally meet you, I've been waiting forever to finally get the chance to meet you!" MiiMii eyed her up and down, noticing her three tails wagging as she spoke. Wait. She knew her name. She tilted her head- stammering out a sentence. "Wait- how- how do you know my na"

"We know everyone that she creates! And we've been watching you since you were made, MiiMii! Ohh we love you so much I'm so happy to finally see you in person you're so adorable-"



"Oh right- you don't know where you are! Duh, silly me." She smacked herself in the head playfully. "Welcome to the mind! Don't worry how- how empty it looks." She motioned around to the nothingness they currently stood in. "This is only the main entrance! Pretty bland, yeah, but I assure you everything else is so pretty! This is our home!"

"Our.. home?"

"Yes!" She practically hissed through her beaming smile. "Come on MiiMii, there's so many of us! Enough talking, I can't wait to finally tell everyone you're here!" She grabbed MiiMii's hand and started running off in some direction, leaving MiiMii to follow behind confused. "Stop being so slow, come on come on let's go!"

And before MiiMii could get another word in, they were off.

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