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She was immediately silenced with a hand over her mouth and a gentle giggle from the.. creature.
"No, No!- please don't scream MiiMii. They can't know I'm here, or else I'll get intro trouble. Can I trust you to not scream?"
She thought for a second, before slowly nodding. It removed its hand from her mouth and backed up a little further onto her bed.
"Can you tell me why such a pretty face was crying?"
It cooed at her. She was too busy observing the creature to hear what it just said. She stared at it. It was grey, short and tiny, with a little grey devil tail sticking out of its' back. On its chest were two large green X's, right down where the heart would be. The eyes of the creature were a bright, neon green. Almost like..

"How-How do you know my name? Who are you?"
"Aww, you don't remember me? I'm offended.." it trailed off and pouted, stuffing its face in its hands. Right before her own eyes it sat up, and began to change its shape.
Within seconds, Auggie.. was in front of her? The only difference, were the eyes were the same bright neon green as the creature's.
"I could be your dearly beloved August.."
It morphed again. This time, it became Nii. She froze in shock. The form of Nii it took, was the broken and beaten one she last remembered from her world. His eyes were also the same neon green as the creature's.
"Or your lovely brother Nii.."
And then, it went back to its normal from.
"But you could call me Stitch, sweetheart." The smile on its face widened. MiiMii was still frozen. "How do you do that..?"
"Havent you already seen everyone else's magic? I guess mine is just a.. special talent." Stitch chuckled. MiiMii figured she'd refer to Stitch as..
"You can call me whatever, sweetheart. Don't think I don't see that puzzled look on your face~" he chuckled and flicked her nose lightly. She shook her head.
"You're so.. tiny..?"
He pouted, and then grew in size. "Do you prefer this more?" His height was now the same as hers, and he stared into her eyes intensely. She giggled quietly and he smiled softly. The inside of his mouth was the same neon green as his eyes, which made MiiMii giggle even more. He shifted back to his normal phase, and eyed her up and down.
"Aww, there's that smiling face I know~" he chuckled as he spoke. She paused her laughter with a smile now taking place where her frown once was. "Heheh.. thank you, em.. Stitch.."
"Do you want to tell me why you were crying now, sweetheart?"
MiiMii's hands folded in her lap as she sat cross-legged. Stitch mimicked her position, earning another smile from her. "I-I guess I can.."

She explained to Stitch what she saw and heard painstakingly, even repeating it herself felt like she was getting shot through the heart. He listened to each word intently, that crooked smile slowly leaving his face. By the end of her explanation her voice grew weak again as she rubbed her eyes, sniffling.
"I-I just don't understand what I did wrong.. s-she would've told me if I upset her.. r-right?"
He stuck his chin into his hand and thought for a minute.
"I'm sure she would've, MiiMii. Maybe she was just angry?"
"B-But she never got angry at me.." He crawled along her bed over to her and hugged her. His tiny body almost phased through her, and for a second she almost forgot he was a ghost. Er- some type of ghost. He was warm, and his hug made her feel warm as well. Almost instantly she felt better, like she wouldn't cry anymore. It was like some kind of magic, and he had a soothing aura to him. She carefully wrapped her arms back around him, a gentle smile forming on his face. He murmured something to himself as he pulled away from her, then focused his attention back to MiiMii.
"Sometimes.. people don't show their anger towards others. They bottle it up until one day.. it just explodes, and it ends up hurting more people than it should. I'm sure she didn't mean any of it, MiiMii. I know for a fact she loved you very, very much."
"How.. do you know?"
He smiled, his eyes glowing a little brighter. "I guess you could say her and I were.. good friends."

She paused. Only now Frost, and everyone else's words came back to her head. She closely observed Stitch again.
"Tiny gray blob-demon-like thing. Neon green stitches over his heart, and same colored eyes."
"You haven't seen him yet, have you? Green eyes?"
"He was a monster. He didn't listen to one word we said, he just smiled and watched.."

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