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(Chapter re-written November 8 2023)

A couple days had passed since the argument between MiiMii and Frost. She was doing better now, having adjusted surprisingly well to living down here with the others. Both her and Frost had calmed down, particularly Frost who each time MiiMii had seen her looked regretful of her actions she previously took to her. MiiMii occasionally would try to go see Nii or Auggie, just somebody she knew well but would quickly get turned away. "I'm sorry MiiMii, I can't let you down. You know it'll upset the others." Stargazer had told her. So, she was alone for the most part.

That wasn't going to stop her from trying to make new friends, though!

MiiMii got up off of her bed with a yawn and a stretch, wincing at the cracking sound she heard as she stretched her body. She looked at herself in the mirror, placing her hands down against the table and staring herself down. Today was a new day. She hadn't interacted with anybody (with the exception of Hazel) for the most part- so it was time to try and get to know the others. Today, she felt like Aubrey was her best target, since she was the one who took the most interest in her when she first met her.

She paced her way through the long hallways, strutting her way down to where Aubrey's room was located. On the outside, there was a small little coffee table that had a blue vase with some Lily of the Valleys stemming from it. She hesitated for a brief moment. Was Aubrey really her best option right now? Oh well, she was here. Before she did anything, she pressed her ear against the door gently tilting her head as she heard giggling among other noises, from two voices, coming from the other side. Against her better interest she pulled back from the door and knocked anyway.

The first thing she heard, was a loud, "Are you fucking kidding me!?" followed by some awkward shuffling, the sound of things moving, alongside a southern accent telling her "It's okay doll! Let me get it." Wait, she recognized that voice from somewhere- oh, fuck. They were coming to the door. MiiMii backed up just as the handle jiggled, and the door opened up. Out popped a girl with what MiiMii thought was coffee brown hair, medium-sized golden hoop earrings dangling from her ears, and a green jacket with an orange undershirt that was messily thrown on. Oh, and pants. Thank god because MiiMii didn't think she was prepared to see any of that today. "Well hello there doll face! What can I do for ya?" MiiMii recognized her. She had seen her in the abyss. Then why..?

"Oh, it's just MiiMii. Hey kiddo! What's up?" Aubrey quickly shoved her door open all the way, leaning against it with one hand while she adjusted her messy collar with the other. "Hi, Aubrey. I'm sorry, did I interrupt..?" The taller girl shook her head. "No! Not at all. Please come in! You're MiiMii? I saw you the other day with StarGazer! Seemed like ya had an awful fright coming down there. How're you doing doll? Are you alright?" Aubrey rolled her eyes, nudging her partner playfully and beckoning MiiMii to come inside. She quickly obliged and thanked the taller girl as she held the door open for her. "Riiight. Forgot to introduce you! MiiMii, this is Jessie. My girlfriend." She smiled, mentioning the girlfriend part proudly and extra loudly to which Jessie, the taller of the two, shook her hand giddily and let out a quiet chuckle. "Oh, stop it! Hello, MiiMii. It's nice to meet'cha!" She came over after she had shut the door and held out a hand for MiiMii to shake which she gladly did, smiling up at Jessie. "Wait, if you're from the Abyss, then how did you get out?" MiiMii asked with an intrigued look, tilting her head to the side. Jessie chuckled, saying something along the lines of "look at how cute she is! Her ears tilt when she moves her head, d'aww.."

"She snuck out!" Smack. "Owww..." "I did not! StarGazer was a dear and let me leave. I'm one of her.. how do I put it. I guess I'm one of the people she trusts the most? She knows I don't cause any harm when I come up here, so I'm allowed to come and go as long as she knows where I'm going. She also trusts me to help her with some of her tasks, actually." Jessie explained, moving to sit down on the couch where Aubrey and MiiMii joined her. She stared up at the ceiling as if recalling something and then chuckled. "She's a good friend of mine, Stargazer. I know she may seem cold but she's got a warm heart under there!" Aubrey scoffed, throwing one leg over the other on the couch. "Psh. Sounds better when you say you snuck out." Jessie couldn't help but laugh, poking Aubrey in the side playfully. "Oh but darlin, I wasn't the one who snuck out. Used to be you, huh? I remember when you'd sneak out to meet me." She placed both of her hands against her cheeks as she snickered, recalling the fond memory.

OverShadowedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें