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Someone knocked on the door. Rather loudly too, for it being so early in the morning.
"Ugh, what time is it?"
"Wake up, August."
"Mmnmn.. five more minutes, mom.."
"Do you want to see your girlfriend, or not?" StarGazer burst through his door and Auggie almost immediately shot up. She shot him an annoyed look and he groaned, stretching out on his bed. "Haven't you ever heard of privacy?"
"Plenty of times. Now get up. I'm not fetching her, you are."
And then she left.
"Wow. And I thought the others were bad."

After getting himself ready and grabbing some flowers from StarGazer, Auggie gingerly walked up the stairs to exit The Abyss. The only time he was ever allowed up, was the one time he was getting sent down. He thought back to that time as he left, almost getting blinded by the sights and the bright lights that dawned the outside area.

He fell into nothingness, along with the rest of them. They all landed piled on top of one another, earning various groans of pain from some. "Owww! R, you're squishing me!" Complained Nii as he struggled to get out from underneath of R. One by one everyone separated and dusted themselves off from the fall. Lavander sat next to Aster as he helped Honey up, and Auggie took his glasses off for a second and frowned seeing they had cracked a tad bit. "Ugh.. now I need to get a new pa- guys? Where..uh.. are we?"
"What do you mean?"
"Open your eyes, Dameon."
"They ARE open, you blind motherfu-"
"I think what papa means, is this is all blank!" Rosalina's tiny voice emitted from behind Auggie, and he picked her up and she giggled waving her hands around in front of Dameon.
"I mean look, there's nothing here!"
"She has a point!" A much quieter voice followed Rosalina's, and Bippy popped out from behind Nii. The group all looked around, shocked and confused. Nii hopped on top of R's shoulders and pressed down on his head trying to make himself taller. "Woah, careful kiddo! Don't hurt yourself!"
"IS ANYBODY THERE?" Auggie and Dameon called out. Everyone else was silently chattering among themselves. Then, a yellow ball of fur came charging at them, tumbling and stopping just a few inches away from their faces.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" Dameon jumped back in shock upon seeing Hazel, interrupting her. Aster lightly smacked him over the head. "Quiet, boy. Be kind. You don't know where you are."
"No, don't worry about it! I should be asking YOU guys that question, what are you? Do you have fire powers? Electric maybe?"
Hazel ran up to Rosalina and Bippy and started inspecting them curiously. Lavander pulled Bippy away gently. "Erm- please..don't." Hazel shrugged and then instead inspected Rosalina, noting her glasses in particular.
"Ooh! Are you blind? Me too, look!" She reached her hand up to her face and popped out her green eye, revealing a socket as Rosalina shrieked in fear. "AAH! BUT IT WORKS LIKE A NORMAL EYE?!" She ran to hide behind Auggie, who at this point shot angry glares at Hazel, holding Rosalina's hand protectively. Hazel beamed at them and giggled. Then, she pointed to Honey, Lavander and Dameon. "Why do you guys have flowers on your head? Are they real? They look funny!"
"Gh- EXCUSE YOU?" Honey snapped at Hazel, angrily stomping her foot onto the ground. Lavander looked pissed off as well, but Dameon started cracking up. He found it funny.

"HAZEL!" The room fell silent as a purple cat entered, angrily storming up to Hazel. She smiled and held out her hand, bouncing back and forth on her feet. "Hi Starryyyy!"
"What did I tell you about scaring MY people?"
"I didn't scare them! I think.."
The tubbies exchanged glances and all nodded their heads at the purple cat, indicating that Hazel was lying. She smacked her hand on her face and let out a loud groan.
"I told you, not everybody wants to be greeted by some loudmouth who can't sit still fOR FIVE SECONDS!" Hazel looked around, biting her lip. Then she looked back at Star and pouted, crossing her arms. "I don't know who you're talking about! Wh- hey!"
Star shoved Hazel aside and approached the tubbies, who were all quiet unsure of what to say in the situation.
"Hello. I'm sorry for the.. energetic introduction.. but- don't worry! I promise, not everyone is as bad as her."
"Yeah that's cool and all, but can you explain where we are lady?" Dameon put his hand on his hip and Aster once again smacked him in the back of the head.
"You're in the mind, soon to be The Abyss." She crouched down to the littler ones, who looked slightly fearful.
"Don't worry, I promise it's not as scary as it sounds." She reached her hand out and rubbed Bippy's head, who giggled. She then stood back up dusting herself off. "I overheard Hazel, and- I do agree with her on one question. What type of animal are you guys?"
"Um.. we're.."
Star cocked her head to the side. "What? But you guys have bunny tails and Fox-like ears." Nii and R chuckled.
"We used to look closer to the actual thing, but em.. I dunno how this happened. You'd have to ask MiiMii."
"Where is she?" Nii looked around, and after not seeing her anywhere, his eyes began to water.
Hazel and StarGazer exchanged looks, and for once Hazel didn't blurt out anything.
"Hey- hey! Don't cry! I'm sure she'll show up eventually!" Hazel reached out for Nii to hug him but R kept him in place on his shoulders firmly shooting her a look. She retracted her arms and laughed nervously. "Anyways.. I think Hazel has a point. However, I'd like for you all to follow me, I generally don't let anyone stay out in the open for too long, the others don't get too happy over that. Come along now." Star lead the way as the group walked to the entrance of the Abyss. Some looked around, some didn't, and some couldn't care less. Specifically Dameon. He walked alongside Auggie, who looked down at his feet nervously. He coughed as Dameon jabbed him in the side. "Dude. What the hell?" He retorted with an angry look at him. "What's your problem? Still upset over your glasses?"
"No. I'm worried."
"Over what?"
"I think you know exactly just 'what', Dumbass."
They started bickering and almost ignored everyone else stopping to a halt as they entered The Abyss. Star turned back to the group. "Alright, if you want, you can all split up. Honey, Lavander, Rosalina and Bippy, come with me. I'll get you four to your rooms first."
She left with them. Then Dameon went back to arguing with Auggie.
"I'm sure she's fine dude. She'll show up eventually."

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