"We aren't going to do anything with the living room yet until we get this nasty carpet removed." Jeremiah looked at him and laughed.

"If this is the same carpet that used to be here you really do want to get it removed," he said slyly, "I'm pretty sure I pissed on it as a child. It also likely has plenty of booze infused with the fibers." Asher mock gagged and Jeremiah laughed.

"Where's Raven?" he asked, looking around, noticing that the teenage girl had disappeared.

"Likely in the kitchen, feasting on the cookies," said Asher wryly. "She has a massive sweet tooth for brownies."

"Hah, my sister loves brownies as well. What a coincidence. Say, I can have a few pack members help you rip up this carpet instead of having to pay for a service." Asher blinked.

"Really? I shouldn't intrude..." he said. Jeremiah rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, take it as a welcome-to-our-town gift," he said. Asher hesitated, but relented.

"Alright. Anyways, we finished up stowing the kitchen stuff away, all that's left really is setting up internet, dining room, and the upstairs." Jeremiah glanced at the boxes.

"Doesn't seem like too much work. I bet we can get it done today."

The pair worked on opening boxes and storing things where they should be, with Jeremiah helping him carry the dining room table to the dining room. They made small talk, and an hour, then two passed.

"So why were you in the school? Are you a teacher there?" asked Asher. Jeremiah was busy scrubbing the floor while Asher wiped down the bathroom countertops.

"Nah, it's just in this town everyone helps out each other, since it's run by the pack. I was doing some volunteer work at the school, helping out some people," he said in an honest tone. Asher looked at him.

"Just... volunteering? With nothing in return?" he asked, busy scrubbing out a stubborn stain. Jeremiah looked at him.

"Well... that's what volunteering is isn't it?" he said.

"Hmm," was all Asher had in response. At his old pack, you would rather be caught dead than hanging out with humans of your own free will.

"I can see the gears turning in your head. What are you thinking about?" asked Jeremiah, standing up.

"It's just... isn't it weird being with humans? Together? And you let your pups learn with them?" he asked. Jeremiah frowned.

"Well it's not the nineteenth century anymore," he said, "Werewolves and humans live together all the time, in cities and all around the world. Besides, it's good for them to learn about the humans since in the future it'll likely be even more mixed than before, since it seems mating's have been expanding into the human community as well. At this rate the whole world is going to know about the existence of humans," they finished with a huff. Asher silently nodded his head in agreement.

Werewolf genetics were a strange thing. If a werewolf mates with a werewolf, the pups they have will be obviously, werewolf. However, if a werewolf mates with a human, it depends on the werewolf.

If the werewolf was a top, then they have more dominant genes and the child will likely be a werewolf. However if the werewolf is a bottom, then the pup is going to be a human. If the werewolf is a switch there's almost always a 50/50 chance. Designation wasn't assigned at birth or whatever, it seemed to be more of a mental thing, that would change depending on your preferences. 

By the time they were done it was around five in the evening, and all that was really left to do was his personal room, and for Raven to finish up her room. And also the outside.

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