Ostensible Unsightly Part 2 (Miniminter)

Start from the beginning

"No, that's not what I mean-"

"No, that's enough. I'm done with this"

She began to walk away, grabbing her bag in the process. Saddened by the thought of loosing her friends, but glad that it was over.

Despite that fact that nothing was over, because nothing was started. The girls weren't using her at all. But if being away from them, made her realise that she was just being silly? They were willing to leave her to herself for a while. She however, was more than convinced otherwise.

Breaking away from her best friends, wasn't something she ever expected to do. The trio everyone thought would make it at least to each others weddings. Before the tears could fall, she set her sights on her mission. Her master plan.

Exiting the school building, she made her way to the football field. Knowing who was going to be there. Even though he shouldn't be.


She shouted, jogging up to the boy working on his free kicks. Simon was classically handsome. Meaning he was built great. Also meaning he looked incredible in everything he wore, especially in his football kit.

"You shouldn't be out here"

She teased. Strutting over to the blonde. Her cheeky comment cause him to roll his eyes. Still annoyed by the fact he can't play properly. Simon huffed, going to walk away.


She shouted, making Simon sigh, he turned around.


He asked, walking back over to Reagan.

"I have a proposal"

Simon raised his eyebrows at the claim.

"Excuse me? I hate to break it to you missy, But I have a girlfriend?"

Reagan scoffed.

"Maddison? Yea, that's a real healthy thing you've got going"

Simon once again rolled his crystal blue eyes, beginning to walk away again.

"No wait, here me out please?

Simon stopped, turning around again.

"What is it?"

Reagan walked towards him, stopping in front of him, looking up at him, considering his great hight.

"I will help you pass science, if you help me"

He crosses his arms, looking down at the brunette. This was his chance to play football again.

"Okay, what do you need help with?"

She felt somewhat embarrassed by her request, hoping he wasn't going to take the piss. But knowing Simon, he probably will.

"I don't want to be a Duff anymore, and you seem to be the one to go to. Can you help me, De-Duff, please?"

Simon smirked. This was Reagan Jeffray, asking him for help. Reagan Jeffray. He stepped a little closer, leaning down slightly.

"You want me to help you 'De Duff' so I can play football again?"

Reagan looked down at the ground. She knew it was a tall order, but now Simon's gonna piss take.

"Ugh forget it then"

She huffed. She goes to turn away, before Simon grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Okay Jeffray, I'll take you up on that offer. But if I don't have at least a B+, there will be consequences"

He moved his finger up, to tap her once on the nose, making her scrunch her nose and swat his hand away.

"Okay cool, I'll drop off some revision work later tonight, and you can do whatever to help me"

Simon nodded his head. Shocked at himself for agreeing to this madness.

Time skip (Later that night)

Reagan knocked the oak front door. After about 10 seconds of standing awkwardly outside in the freezing cold. The door was flung open. Revealing Simon.


She smiled. Passing him a giant book. He almost dropped it, it was so heavy.

"Are you sure this is everything?"

He joked, causing Reagan to roll her eyes. She nodded and waited for him to do his end of the bargain.

"Right, for you, meet me at the shopping centre at 12:45 on Saturday, so we can shop for a new wardrobe"

Reagan sighed, not wanting buy a hole new wardrobe. She liked her clothes.

"Really? Do we have to?"

Simon pressed his lips together, nodding his head. Reagan dropped her head in defeat.


She sighed, turning back to her house.

"Goodnight Si"

He waved, him reciprocating.

If this is what it would take, Reagan was ready to switch it up. Who knows, maybe it will work out well for her. In ways she won't even expect.


Foreshadow? Maybe🤭🤫

I've used a few of the lines from the film, so I recommend you watch it, cause it's class 🙌

I'm not sure how many parts this is going to have. I've mapped the story out, and I think it's probably going to be about 5 parts. But I'm not sure.

If anyone has requests or suggestions, let me know.

Upvote cause you're all sick and I'm an attention seeking whore.

That's all until the next one.



Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and Willne imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now