A quick A/n for the lads

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Hiya, I'm really sorry about how shit I am with updating. Everything currently is a colossal mess and I'm just really struggling at the moment.

And while you've probably read this in loads of a/n when stories aren't being updated in a while, but I'm struggling a lot meantly, but I cba to get into that. But it's the main reason I'm behind I think.

Can I be really pissing annoying and ask you to be patient with me. I have a 1 Will story finished, Harry's requested story is getting re edited, the Cal request is in its early stages and I'm writing my first male reader for the next Simon story.

I don't think I'll keep asking for requests anymore, cause it's pressure, but thank you to everyone who did suggest, and I hope the stories I've written are good enough.

Again, I'm so sorry about my shityness, hopefully things will be better soon. Thanks.

That's all for now.



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