Chapter 16

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Stepping off the bus and into the cold I look up at the tall apartment complex. "Alright, let's do this." It'll be fine, it's just a Christmas party. I mean it's a Christmas party with all the boys who will probably be sloshed, but it will be fine right? I chewed my bottom lip as the elevator dinged for the twelfth floor. By the time I turned the hallway I could already hear the music, bass thumping and muffled screaming vocals, so much for any hope of a conversation. Checking my phone for the the door number for the millionth time I knock on the door of the inevitable music migraine, nothing; I knocked louder, nothing. As I open the door I'm hit first with the music of something punk rock, how have the cops not been called yet? Oh ya, fall semester is over and most of the complexes are probably empty. Next my eyes are barraged by the lack of real light replaced with an obscene amount of Christmas lights strung literally everywhere along with bunches of people tucked in every open space available.

As I shut the door and debate leaving entirely I'm crushed in a hug, "Chako babe you're here!" while the atmosphere is claustrophobic, Denki's familiar voice brings me a small comfort, "Hey Kami, how's it going?" his giant smile and bright eyes grow even bigger as he bubbles with emotion, "Fantastic! Kiri really did a great job getting his digs into the Christmas spirit!" he then gives me a sly smile and a wink as he shouts over the music, "Also the eggnog is seriously good if you know what I mean." I give him a smile and nod, already readily aware of the intoxicated state of the friend in front of me, "I'll have to grab some, who all is here?"

By now Denki has looped arms with mine and drug me halfway through the apartment to hand me a solo cup of the questionable festive beverage from the crowded kitchen counter and filled me in on the situation so far. From what he said most of the crew is here; Kiri was laughing with a bunch of other boys I can only assume were from school, Kami left me next to the fridge to go play beer pong with Sero and some others on the coffee table, and while there were seriously people everywhere there was still no sign of Kat. I tried to act as normal as possible yet couldn't help but feel incredibly awkward. Lightly bobbing to the music as I sip on the not entirely terrible drink in my cup I also snack on a xmas cookie and check my phone. '9:30' great, not even 45 min in and I don't know if I have to puke or cry.

"Waiting for someone?" her voice is confident and teasing while her eyes were filled with knowing curiosity. Shit, why's she here? "Oh, ya." I straighten my posture as she leans back against the fridge next to me and watches as people cheer on the beer pong players, half of the cups cleared already. Bravely, I cast a glance at the blond bombshell next to me, and truly she's stunning in her tight fitting bright red sweater with white leather pants tucked into black heeled boots, her long blond hair pulled into a tight high pony with winged liner sharp enough to kill. Camie looks over to me as well, "Take a picture, it'll last longer." "AH! No! I mean you look really nice, sorry for staring!" I finish the dregs of my cup as my face heat up in embarrassment and wince at the concentrated alcohol burning my throat, "This shit is pretty bad huh?" Camie chuckles and finishes her own cup. I simply nod then look at her again, "I'm sorry but why are you being so nice to me?" Camie laughs again and moves to fill her cup then gestures for mine as well. "Oh I'm not trying to be nice but there's really no one more interesting to talk to." "oh" she hands back my cup, we take a sip together, "Besides I'm pretty sure we're here for the same thing or the same person anyway."

Now I'm really on edge, "What do you want with Kat?" she laughs casually then sharply bites the head off a snowman sugar cookie while staring daggers into my soul, "Just looking for a good time, really. He's so easy to mess with and I forgot how boring being back here was. Plus if I have to be stuck in New York while I wait for my green card to process I might as well have a bit of fun don't you think?"

She continues to nibble on her sprinkle coated snowman when I feel a heavy arm wrap over my shoulder, "Camie Hey! What brings you here?" Kiri's voice is friendly but his demeanor is anything but, Camie simply rolls her eyes and smiles at the male beside me, "Kiri babe, your insta said anyone was invited to your little shin dig here and because I wanted to be disappointed as always, I made an appearance." I could feel Kiri tense next to me but forced a smile, "Of course Camie, please make yourself at home, Ocha mind coming over here I want to introduce you to some of my classmates." His eyes were earnest and worried, "Of course! I was wondering who you were talking to anyway. ha." as we steer away from the kitchen area I can hear Camie give us an unpleasant farewell, "Sorry I didn't see you guys sooner, I can't believe she showed up, damn the nerve of that chick."

He finally pulled the protective arm from my shoulder, looking over it back towards the new enemy who gave a silly little wave causing Kiri to scowl. Maybe it's the booze but Kirishima's uncanny grumpy face makes me laugh and makes the red head break character, "What?!" "I-I'm sorry but Pffft-! I just don't think I've ever seen a literal ray of sunshine scowl like that before!" his infectious smile returns finally and shares in the laughter as the tension dies out and we remember we're at a party. Once I finally calm my nervous giggles Kiri leans closer so he doesn't have to shout, "Wanna play beer pong? I'm sure we can woop some ass and have some actual fun?" I peer over my shoulder back at the blondie rolling her eyes at some guy trying to talk to her, "You know what? Why not?!"

Three games later left Kiri and I the new raining beer pong champs and a very happy Denki passed out on the couch with Jirou perched on the armrest making sure his corpse doesn't vomit everywhere but seems to be having fun watching the chaos. For some reason, even though I've never been good at sports or any general hand-eye coordination anything, I'm really good at beer pong. It was probably because everyone else was drunk but it sure did feel good to finally win at something. As we stumbled away from the table to let some others set up a round Kiri and I high fived then moseyed over to the kitchen to scrounge up any left over chips. As I put a smattering of snacks on a paper plate Kiri flashed me a snap Denki had posted before he passed out which made both of us crap up in giggles. 'CLICK' 'FLASH'

Both of us immediately look up to the back of the latest I Phone pointed at us, "What the hell Camie?!" "What are you doing?" the sickly sweet smile of the viper in front of us ignored us as she proceeds to text and send the picture somewhere before looking back at us smugly, "Oh nothing, just having a little fun..."


HELLO WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, I know, its been FOREVER since I last wrote but lots has been happening in my life over here and that pulls at my mental capacity for writing. So I'm sorry I haven't given much to you lovely folks but please know that I still read your comments and I'm so glad that you all still stick around <3 and if I don't see you before it happens, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!" -A

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