Chapter 15

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It's been at least an hour since Mina abandoned my weepy mess to hunt down the family of mice that live behind the alley dumpster. I reluctantly sat up, took a deep shuttered breath and closed my eyes. He'll tell you in his own time Ochako, he probably just doesn't have his thoughts together yet and wants to figure it all out before talking about it... Blinking into the sunlight I check my phone; no phone calls, no messages, quarter after 1. At this point I don't care if he has it all together, why won't he just let me in so I can help?! "UGH!!" my satin covered pillow flung from my hand and thwacked the wall across from me. I can't sit here and mope anymore...

My sudden determination to get out of my apartment increased as I pulled myself out of bed to shuffle through my closet, my eyes landing the pile of Katsuki's clothes from last night. He was so exhausted before I pulled him into bed with me, maybe I rushed things and scared him off? No... this is not my fault! I gotta get out of here!

I pulled on a thick green cropped sweater and wiggled into some dark wash high-waist skinny jeans along with a pair of fuzzy cat socks. The feeling that I needed to leave kept surmounting that I didn't even bother to put on any make up but shoved my socked feet into boots along with my arms into the sleeves of my pink wool coat before snatching my purse off the kitchen island, the stale smell of breakfast still lingering along with my anxiety.

The air was brisk as the wind whipped my hair around my face, finally allowing me to catch an actual breath, where am I gonna go? I don't really have that many friends who live close by and Kiri's party doesn't start for a couple of hours from now and there's no way I'm going there before it's time cause I certainly don't want to see Kat yet. Hmmm, where would Kat never go? "of course" exhaling I pick up my pace and check my phone clock, "He should be done with his shift soon..."

As I walk closer to my place of employment I spot his bike in it's usual place and exhale in relief. The all too known jingle of the opening bells above the front door chime, causing a mop of green hair to pop up from behind the counter, "Hey Ochako! You don't work tonight? do you?" I smile at him and his questioning eyebrows in relief as I make my way up to the counter, " No no, I just came to see you..." his surprised expression along with his rosied cheeks made me giggle, "Really? Why?" his genuinely confused tone caused my own to falter slightly, "Because you're my friend?" Something triggered his memory and his rosied cheeks drained to white as he started looking around nervously before quietly whispering to me, "W-woudn't K-Kacchan be upset if h-he found out?" My smile fully drops now causing a flare of aggression and agitation to rip through me at the mere mention of my closed-off asshole boyfriend, my arms cross across my chest in defiance, "Well who the hell cares if he's upset! I can hang out with whoever I damn well please!"

My sudden outburst shocked Izuku into a squeak and a shuffle backwards, I sigh loudly and look down, "Look, Dek-Izuku, sorry, I-I just really don't want to be alone in my apartment right now and... and I could kinda use a friend and a place to be for a couple hours..." while starring at the scuffs on my boots I hear only silence and then the shuffling of feet. It wasn't until his arms came around my waist that I looked up. Izuku's head was laid on my shoulder, his eyes squeezed tightly shut, "Of course chako, sorry I doubted you." He gave me another squeeze and let go, straightening up while floofing his hair, the green haired boy nodded in resolution and headed back around the counter. Bolstering his nerve he looked me in the eye as he spoke, "So... I get off in a couple minutes and I can walk you to my place, my mom can make us something to snack on while we talk or watch a movie or whatever you'd like to do. Would that be ok?"

The nervous weight on my shoulders lifted as he spoke about the afternoon's plan with such decisive protection which and my cheeks warmed as I smiled at him, "That actually sounds really nice."

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