Chapter 14: Welcome to Gardenia

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Third person's POV.

Everything seems right in the world this moment as Jonathan walked out of his business meeting with a huge smile and his bodyguard \driver said.

''I reckoned it was a success Sir?'' Jonathan got into the rented sports car as he undid his tie before saying.

''Better than I'd hoped Lance'' The man smiled kindly after hearing his boss's answer.

''How are we doing on the clock Lance?'' Came Jonathan's voice a moment later.

''We I'll be in Gardenia by nightfall if we leave now Sir'' His bodyguard said while looking at his wrist watch and he nods before saying.

''Well what are we waiting for? let's get going then; Gardenia awaits us'' There are few moments when Jonathan let's his guard down, and when that happens he's very enthusiastic about the littlest things which makes everyone's job around him easier.

Amirah's head was so deep into her walk-in closet that she had to really stretch her neck out when her friend's voice said ''What about this one?'' She rolled her eyes and said.

''We're going sightseeing around the kingdom Bella, not visiting my ancestral museum'' The dress Isabella was holding would have been any other woman's first choice of outfit because of its elegant, jaw dropping and classy look that probably cost a lot of fortune but i guess when it comes to Amirah the first female Queen of Gardenia; eyes have not seen and ears have not heard.

''If you're having this much issue just to pick out what to wear now how will you decide on what to wear for the ball?'' Isabella asked with a sigh while dropping on the incredibly soft King sized bed in Amirah's room.

''I already know what I'm wearing Bella, Jonathan made a dress for me'' Of course he made a dress for her, its not as if this would be the first time.

''I don't get it though,why not get people who can do it for you? Isn't that what all royals do?'' Amirah shuffled out of her closet with a dress of her choice while sitting beside Isabella before saying.

''Jonathan is the only one who decides what i wear for important events but every other time i dress myself period'' Isabella is in awe of Amirah and Jonathan's relationship, to trust someone to an extant where their words holds some much power in your life is something she's never tried with a human being.

Its currently evening of day one out of two days since Jonathan left town for a business trip leaving his siblings with his employees. The siblings are currently in the sitting room of the penthouse catching up on their school work as the doorbell goes off and both siblings gazed at each other before Emily looked at the young man she's been ignoring the whole day and he sprung up like a nut muttering ''I'll get it'' while scrambling towards the door as Mrs Billson came out of the kitchen wiping her hands with a rag and asked

''Was that the doorbell?'' and Emily nods with a little smile before saying

''Lyon said he will get it'' the older woman returned her smile with a nod before disappearing into the kitchen again.

''So it was a bit difficult but i got everything on the list'' Grace said with a smile while tapping on the little sheet of paper Emily had given to her this morning when she dropped by to check on them.

''Really?'' Exclaimed the young girl as she leaped to her feet and took hold of the paper bag containing the items she requested for before saying.

''To be honest i didn't think you'd find any of it'' Grace laughed while shrugging off her handbag before saying.

''Is really easy finding these kinds of things when you're a mother dear'' Emily is overjoyed as she hugged the older woman and said.

''Thank you so much!'' Grace is a bit surprised by the girl's reaction but she was able to compose herself as she replied ''You're welcome dear''

Emily and PJ missed an entire week of school because of them moving in with their brother and settling into their new home which was fun as first but being absent from school means double work and now she's presented with chemicals she doesn't even know how to pronounce as ingredients for scented candles for her home economics assignment which is due come Monday.

Hello my lovelies🤗🤗
What do you think about this chapter? I've always felt weird about writing in third person's POV so i wasn't really expecting the best of the best but I'm glad i pulled through... Anyways, thank you guys so much for always reading my new updates😘😘😘




Stay safe y'all

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