Chapter 7: Crazy Say What?

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Jonathan's POV.

Few minutes later I'm walking out of my favorite coffee shop down the street when some hooded stranger was about bumping into me but i was fast enough to side track them and saved my coffee as i say. "Sorry dude" but i heard the stranger mutter. "Dude?" While i continued my journey to my destination.

"Your husband is a controlling nut job who can't take no for an answer you know that mom? He's driving me crazy with his constant demands. I guess you already know that right? I mean you married the guy" Chuckling at my own words, i placed the white lilies I'd gotten earlier on my mom's grave before sipping my coffee as i made myself comfortable while looking around the quite cemetery.

Most people would talk about the creepiness of the cemetery and it lifelessness, i used to think so too until i lost my mom and it became a place where i could just sit for hours and talk nonstop about everything and anything to my mother. Though i know she won't reply to anything i say, I'm contented just talking to her and hoping she can hear me.

Talking to her relaxes me, even if it just the littlest things like different
kinds of butterfly in the garden. However, the cemetery's atmosphere is a little odd today. There's a feeling of unease in the air and it feels like I'm being watched by someone other then the dead. Without a doubt, i caught a glimpse of someone hiding behind a large tree adjacent my current location.

Pretending I'm not aware of their presence, i left the cemetery while walking towards the direction of the playground. I figured whoever it is won't do anyone to me in park full of people.

A few minutes later, I'd manage to disappear into a group of adults leading their kids towards the rollercoaster in the park while keeping a close look on the person following me.

The person stopped in the middle of the sand box while looking at every direction in search of me and i wonder, isn't that hair too long for a guy? Dude's even holding a purse, he must have gone through a lot of troubles to disguise himself as a woman...must be a pick pocket kinda thief then?

I stayed in the crowd as i contemplate my next move as they're getting close to the sand box and i recognize the stranger following as the hooded dude i almost bumped into earlier. Is he here for revenge? We were both at fault and i apologized right?

As the crowd is getting close to the dude's location, i brought out my pen while sneaking behind him as i placed it on his Adam's apple and he shrieks not so manly causing passerby to give us strange looks.

"Who are you? And why are you following me?" I asked him as i pressed the pen closer and he shivers violently before exclaiming.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said I'm following you? And this is not a very polite way of treating a lady mister!" There's is an accent behind her sass that i can't put my finger on as she talked. Wait! Lady? I suppose the long curly hair and the purse would make her a lady but her physic and style of dressing says otherwise, that's one hell of a disguise i thought as i let her go and stepped back in shock while taking a proper look at her and she huffs unhappily.

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