Chapter 7: 1V1 Competition.

Start from the beginning

The rest of the battles went as Izuku expected them to. The first battle after his was Todoroki and Sero and as expected Todoroki ended the battle before it even began. he was sticking true to his claim to win the tournament without his 'father's quirk'. After Kaminari forgets that plants do not conduct electricity and loses his battle against his opponent. Iida's battle was just a commercial for Mei Hatsume, after she had showed off all of her 'babies' she stepped out of the arena herself letting Iida win. Ashido beat Aoyama by using his weakness against him and Tokoyami beat Yaoyorozu because she overthinks things too much.

Izuku happily watched each battle already knowing the outcome because he knew his classmates strengths and weaknesses. He loved to look at quirks in depth and it paid off when it come to predicting who was going to win or lose. Kirishima's battle took some time because his opponent had a near identical quirk to him and in the end it finished in a tie. Izuku happily waited for Uraraka's battle with Bakugo. He wanted to see what she had come up with to try and beat the hot-headed boy. When the battle began Izuku knew Bakugo was respecting his opponent. He was using all of his strength and honouring her because he recognises her strength. It made Izuku angry when the audience and Pro-hero's started to call Bakugo a villain because he wouldn't go easy on Uraraka. In the end Uraraka's plan didn't work and she ended up losing. Izuku immediately goes to see how Uraraka was going. She had tried her best to win and it was for nothing.

"I knew Kacchan was strong but to blow all of that rubble away in one big move..." Izuku opens the waiting room door to see Uraraka sitting in a chair. She looks up hearing the door open.

"D...Deku-kun, why are you here?" she asks.

"To see how you are." Izuku says happily. Uraraka gives Izuku a bright smile but he has made his fair share of fake smiles to know how to tell one appart from real smiles.

"I'm okay, I knew I wouldn't have much of a chance, Bakugo is amazing, he has such good control over his quirk." she says.

"you're not okay but Kacchan wasn't holding back, he acknowledged your strength, that means he thinks you are great as well, to be noticed by Kacchan you have got to be good." Izuku says. Uraraka laughs.

"are you trying to cheer me up Deku-kun?" Uraraka asks.

"Is that not obvious, am i doing it wrong?" Izuku asks, a little worried he's making her feel worse.

"No, no, it's working, thankyou Deku-kun, can...can you give me some time alone?" Uraraka asks "I want to call my parents."

"Course, after the arm wrestle between Kirishima and the metal one from class 1B and the break I'll be going against Todoroki-kun, I can't wait!" Izuku waves happily to Uraraka who responds with a small wave and a sad smile. After the arena had been fixed and the arm-wrestle that ended with Kirishima's win the Quarter-Final rounds started.

"For the Quarter finals first round we have Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki." midnight announces. she leaves the stage to allow the two students to start their battle. Izuku knew what Todoroki would start with. He wants to finish as soon as possible because he knows what Izuku is like, at least, a little. As soon as the battle starts the arena is covered in ice, just like when Todoroki went against Sero.

"Deku-kun!" Uraraka yells. The area was covered in a cold mist and no one could see what had happened to Izuku. As the mist fell a small giggle could be heard.

"Ah, now it's cold." Izuku says. Izuku was fine and was leaning against the ice that Todoroki had formed. Izuku pushes off the ice and does a small mock shiver. His smile was still there. Everyone knew it was okay if Izuku was smiling, they had never seen him without it so no one knew what would happen when Izuku stopped smiling. He was similar to All Might in that aspect. "If you want to win Todoroki-kun you'll have to use your fire." More ice was shot towards Izuku and this time everyone saw how he evaded the attack. He didn't.
Todoroki's ice flew right through him and shattered on the ground behind him. Izuku happily skips over to Todoroki, his grin widening. Todoroki's nerves stood on edge when he saw that smile. Izuku, still smiling lifted his fist up to punch Todoroki. Todoroki made ice appear, completely covering Izuku's body so he couldn't be seen and for a few moments nothing happened.

"Boo!" Izuku pops his head through the ice. Todoroki jumps back startled causing Izuku to laugh. Izuku walks out of the ice still laughing. Todoroki notices that his arms were glitching.

" can make things go through you?" Todoroki asks.

"yep, just like how if something glitches in a video game." Izuku says. Todoroki tried to go for a battle of endurance knowing Izuku didn't have the same amount of control over his quirk as others. The more they fought the brighter Izuku's smile got and the more precise he got with his quirk which confused Todoroki. How was he getting better as time went on and not getting weaker like normal.

"Todoroki-kun, you should use your fire, you'll freeze to death if you don't." Izuku says happily leaning on some of Todoroki's ice. "or...should I force you?" Todoroki's stomach sank with dread after Izuku finished talking. Izuku's smile was slowly going away. Todoroki knew that the teacher will stop the battle if it gets too dangerous but what can Izuku do with his quirk that can be so dangerous to Todoroki that they will have to stop the battle. Suddenly Izuku appeared infront of Todoroki. Izuku grabs Todoroki's arm and throws him onto his back pinning him to the ground. Chills ran up Todoroki's spine, not because of his quirk exhaustion but because of Izuku's expression. It was cold, deadly cold with not a trace of a smile. Izuku lets go of one of Todoroki's arms. "If you don't use your fire to get me off you might get hurt~" Izuku sings. His eyes shone with excitement and Todoroki knew he needed to get away.
It was sudden.
Todoroki's flames flared up shocking Izuku. Todoroki reaches to grab Izuku and the image of Todoroki's flame covered hand reminded Izuku of something else. Izuku's head started to throb and he glitched away. Izuku looks up at Todoroki who was getting his fire ready to attack when Aizawa's voice fills the stadium.

"midnight, stop the battle!" Midnight instantly starts to release her quirk and Cermentoss creates some walls between Izuku and Todoroki. Everyone could see that the teachers focused on Izuku more than Todoroki when it came to stopping the battle. A teacher even appeared with quirk nullification cuffs that were put on Izuku before he was taken away on a stretcher because he had been knocked out by Midnights quirk. They ended up naming Todoroki the victor of the battle. Uraraka went to find out what had happened and why the battle had been stopped. They had time before the next battle because all of Todoroki's ice had to be melted and the arena had to be fixed.

"Aizawa-sensei, why did you tell midnight-sensei to stop the fight?" Uraraka asks seeing Aizawa in a chair next to Izuku's bed.

"He was going to break one of the rules I gave him, he can become violent and unpredictable at times and we need to prevent that which is why i stopped the battle when we did. " Aizawa explains. "he's such a problem child."

Okay, Owlets, I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I don't think it's the best that i could have written but it is the only way I can think to write it so I'm sorry if this chapter sucks and if there are some terrible grammer and writing mistake, i don't edit these i just write them, i also suck at editing and most of the time never find anything wrong with how i have written something because my brain is weird. The next chapter might take some time to come out because I haven't written a summary for it yet. Please be patient, even if it takes a while I want to finish this Story completely. I want to be able to put "Completed" on this story.

I am also working on a story i have had for a while but i took it down to fix the plot. It's a Legend of Zelda AU, if you have any interest in Legend of Zelda please check it out. I've got most of the chapters planned all i need to do is write it and hopefully i can write it the way i have been imagining it.

Since i am writing two stories at a time i might get distracted with one and forget the other. If i havent updated for a bit comment to remind me and I will respond to tell you the status of the chapters I'm working on for either story.

I thankyou in advance for your patience and your continuous interest in my works. It makes me very happy to see others enjoying my works.


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