What to do now-

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*I started pacing for a few moments but, soon I sat down and watched Classic Sans as he was deeply sleeping* He is Sleeping Peacefully all tied up it's almost... Oh- Hmm, What do I do with him I can't Just let Sans Go He will Tell Ink Then I'll have to find another place to hangout in."

(Time Skip brought to you by Sans Deep Peaceful Sleep)

*I woke up to see white I was trying to remember what happened before I fell asleep I felt eyes on me I looked over to See Error! My memories hit me right then I felt myself sweat thinking what is he going to do to me?! Error Looked a bit nervous to see me staring at him* "Where in The Stars am I?.." *I glanced away from Error for a moment and somehow when I looked back he was closer to my face and glared at me I was startled but I made myself show no fear*

"Hmm..." *I Glared at him for 10 more minutes before I talked. I saw right through Sans small brave expression he was scared and that was fine to me but, I still don't know what to do with him* "Your In My Place called the Anti-Void"

*I sorta accidentally locked my eyes on Error's collection of what seemed to be dolls of other sanses I knew and many I didn't know, I saw my and I couldn't stop staring at it! Wow a mini me almost Heh..* "Error did you make those dolls over there?" *I pointed twords them but mainly the one of me* Error fussed for a second then stopped and looked pulled me down to his exact vision.

*I pulled sans into my eye view to correct him about my 'puppets'* "No not dolls, Fucken Puppets!" *I watched his smile dim for a moment before he smiled thoughtfully and his eye lights met mine I got scared to speak but I did anyways* "A-and I did make them yeah.." *Sans looked over to my puppets  before meeting my eyes again*

"Wow I'm sorry I called your puppets dolls I didn't know what to think but, I think your really talented in puppet making the do-Puppets are all cute and they are beautiful really!!" *I got nervous about almost saying dolls I didn't think about what I said after that. I noticed Error was shocked and I thought I saw a small hue crossing his face, I got even more nervous seeing this I didn't know how he would react* "You good bud?"

*Why do I feel different from usual My face feels hot am I getting sick? Shit- Umm... I will ask blue then later after I finish with my sansational problem heh-, I heard sans ask about my wellbeing me I'll emm keep it simple* "Well I'm okay I dunno why you asked"

"I'm just checking because I thought I said something to make you hurt-..."
*Da fuck just came out of my mouth! I covered my mouth feeling myself being embarrassed by the whole thing*

*Cares??!??!?!???- I laughed* "Pfft hahahahahahahaha Sans your to much! Hahaha I can't handle you I'll be back later haha" *I Opened a Portal to Underswap and walked in then closed it leaving Sans alone*

*When He was laughing I couldn't smile I just didn't want to I felt just so tired it was sickening to want to sleep I watched him leave I hated it* "I don't want to be alone here please... Come back soon.." *I cried despite being alone  I had a smile on my face soon after I drifted from tears to sleep*

(Thanks for reading What to do now-)
~KillerSD23 Writing out~

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