Author's Note (2) : Thank-You!

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Firstly, I would like to thank every single one of you readers for choosing this story. It is not an easy story to begin with; it is matured, draining and emotionally exhausting ! It is a short story despite having a massive narrative, which makes each chapter that much more taxing to process and then enjoy! You all have taken up that task, I would firstly like to thank you for that!

To all the readers, my AnuPre FAM, the silent readers, the voters and anybody who has chanced upon this book and held on, I would like to tell you, this means the most to me. I have mentioned time and again how special this story is to me, hence every bit of love that I found here, I have selfishly clutched onto it.

This is a story that has 2k viewers along with 2k comments! I think that in itself tell us about how kind, generous and giving you all have been as reader to this story. This involvement that I have with you folks, not only does it warms my heart, but it also gives me all your perspectives and nurtures me as a writer.

I don't think a thank-you is ever enough, but it would be very gracious of you to accept my heartfelt love and appreciation for each one of you, for stopping by and giving this story a fair chance!

You have been a stellar readership!

Much love,


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