I was broken when she passed away. So was Zack. Zack’s Dad worked alot and barely had time for him and Lily afterwards. He was trying to distract himself from what happened. Lily is a mini version of Susan. Zack’s Dad couldn’t bring himself to see her. He practically disowned her from the day she was born. Zack looked after her. When he got worse he moved in with us and when we got settled we moved to the US to pursue our dreams in music.


I try to teach Lily about her Mum. But it’s hard. She is so young and doesn’t really understand. I tell her that she is in the sky watching over her. Before Lil was born, Susan got a necklace made for her. It is golen with a love heart pendant. On the back she had the words "I love you Lily. Love Mummy." Susan Told me it was a chain that was hanned down though generations of her family. She said if she wasn't having a girl she would give it to me. I know this mencklace ment eveerything to her and now I make sure Lily wears it everyday. She understands that it’s precious and no one can get it. I hope she gets to learn about the amazing person her Mum was.




“I don’t think I can do it?” Zack pulls me closer to him. I turn to look at him.


“Babe. It doesn’t matter if you cry or anything. She’s your Mum. You love her like crazy and Lily needs to meet her Mum.” I hug him tightly. We begin to walk down the aisles of tombstones to the end where Susan lays at rest. We helped pay for her plot. We wanted her to have her favorite things with her. Her plot is surrounded by red and white roses her favorite flowers. It has tombstone head with a message from each of us engraved on the back. There’s a spot for Lily for when she’s older and knows what she wants to say to her Mum.


I sit down next to Zack who is at the bottom of her plot. Lily sits down on my lap. I wrap my arms around her pulling her into me. I look to her face and find her face covered with confusion.


“Lily” Zack gets her attention. She crawls across to her lap. “Baby, do you know who that is.” Lils shakes her head and looks up at Zack. “Baby, that’s our Mummy. We can come here and talk to her. I know she’s always looking down on us where ever we are. But here is her very special place. Here we’re closer to her and we can talk to her alone.” Lily nods her head.


“Zacky, What was Mummy like?”


I look across to him and wrap my arm around his back. “Mummy was amazing. She was kind, sweet and very pretty just like you.” I look at Lilly's little cheeks which are covered with a scarlet red blush. “Every friday when we came home from school, Mummy would take Taylor and I to the beach or the park. She always made sure we had fun and were happy. It would kill her when she saw anyone cry. She was truly and utterly in love with you. When she found out she was having you she got very excited. She told everyone that she was having a beautiful little girl. All she wanted was to love you, kiss you and hug you to death.” Lily giggles really cutely. “But sadly it was Mummy’s time to go to peace. Right now where she is, she’s in peace. She can’t be hurt. She doesn’t cry and she’s our guardian angel. She looks over us making sure we’re healthy and happy. We can always feel her in here.” He pats the left side of her chest indicting to her heart.


“Do you wanna talk to Mummy?”

Lily nods her head and walks up and sits on the tomb. She hugs her tombstone. “I wove you Mummy. I weally want to meet you. Zacky and Tay tay both wove you to. Zacky say you not hurt and happy, but I want you. I wove you. I want to hug you.” I hug Zack this is upsetting him I know. “I have da neckwace you got me. I wear it everyday. You wit me in here.” She points to her heart. This sends Zack over the edge. He gets up and walks off, probably to clear his head. He loves his Mum and can’t handle missing her. I grab her arms and pull to my lap and let her finish. “Tay tay wove you. She say you pretty and like me. She say you da best. I know dat. I wove you Mummy. I’m sowwy you not here. All cause me.” She finished sadly. This makes me sick. Her Dad seemed to have enough time with her to get that idea in her head.


I pull her aside. “Lily. Remember what I told you. It is not your fault your Mum is not here okay? She loved you so much even before you were born. She would buy you clothes and toys every time she went out. Lily all she cared about was you and Zack. She loved, no Loves you both equally and is still looking out for you. When you hurt yourself she’s the one that heals your boo boo’s and she is with you every day walking behind you ready to catch you when you fall. Your mum is not with us in person, but she is with us in our hearts and in our minds. your Mum loves you and remember that. What ever that man, your father said about you is not true. He is not healthy. He doesn’t know what’s going on. Okay?”


Lily nods her head and cuddled into me. I feel Zack pull me into him. “Thank you.” He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. “Lils, tell Mum what we did while we’re here.” Zack changes the topic to a more happy one. This excites Lily. She climbs off me and begins to talk about her Kindi and what we did in while we’ve been in Australia.




Around 3pm we begin to head home. We want to be in our room and not needing to go out tonight. It will be to heactack. We pick up our clothes and things we need from the house and make our way to the hotel. It is beautiful. It’s the penthouse. They want us to have some privacy with Lil and room if our family wants to come over. Tonight we chose to get some room service. The interview airs at 7:30. We only have a few nights left being alone and not in the spot light.


At 8:30 we put Lily to bed in a small bed the hotel made for us. I got so annoyed with my phone blowing up with messages from random people. They some how found my Instagram and Twitter. I was going through my phone and Zack came and sat on the bed. “Common put that away it’ll keep us up all night and I want one last peaceful night with my girl.”

He pushes me onto the bed and kisses down my lips. We continue to kiss which turns into a heated make out session. Well we didn’t go to bed to the early morning. Lets say we had a great one last night to ourselves.

Hello World,

I'm updating so soon because I'm so excited I just hit 500 reads... WOOOOH!!!! I hope you're enjoying The next few chapters will be CRAZY! Writing this was sad I was starting to cry.


Please send me more messages and think you like and don't. Thanks for all the vote. 

I love ya all,


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