Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 Zack POV

"Okay so next we Taylor and Zack coming to talk to us and then to perform their hits." Kochie one hosts cuts to an ad break. The backstage crew starts to move around and begin to push us toward the couch where we'll sit for the interview. Make up people come and give our faces the 'final touch' and then scurry back towards the dressing rooms.

Kochie and Sam come and sit down opposite us on the couch. They both introduce themselves and begin to make us feel better about the interview. They both have a small list of topics that are off topic, but they are just more private topics. They are both really sweet and said they want to the interview to be like a chat, not one question one answer. But I know both of us are still a bit worried.

"Welcome back to sunrise. Now we have Taylor and Zack here with us for a special interview and a later performance out on the plaza." Sam says to the camera. Then she turns her direction towards us. "So Taylor, zack how are you doth doing today?"

"We're both good." I turn and nod towards Taylor to confirm my answer for the both of us.

"That's great. So, both of you and I talked when you were revealing your identities which wasn't that long ago. But, it seems a lot has happened since then. We were shocked with the crash that you were both in. We just hope you are okay now. Especially you Taylor. How are you both now, physically and mentally?" Sam asks with a concerned look on her face.

I look to Taylor and nod to show her to talk. "Umm. I'm getting better. My body has healed and mentally... I have sort of come to terms with it. But I know will never be 100% okay with it."Taylor lowers her head a bit. I reach over and wrap my arms around her. I kiss her temple and she gives me a small smile.

Sam nods her head in an understanding demeanor. "We understand. BUt I have to say, from what we have seen of you two since the crash, you are both well and truely in love. You both seem to have helped each other through this crazy time. When I did the interview I saw how much you cared for each other and how much you both look after Lily. You treat her as if she was your own child."

"Thanks. We were both hurt by what happened but I knew there were those hours where I would have to be strong to support Taylor and she had the times where she would be strong and support me." I look across to Taylor and she nods agreeing with me.

"Well, to get off such a down topic we saw you both outside the studios this morning. When you were both walking in you stopped to talk to a young fan. Who was she?"

"That was Sarah. She was being trampled on by some older and larger fans. She woke her sister up so early to bring her here today to see us. We were talking to her and have organised for her to stand on the inside of the barriers closest to the stage. 1) She will the best view. But 2) To also to protect her. There are some older fan and she would be trampled by them like earlier this morning."

"That is very sweet of you two." Kochie says. The rest of the continues the same way. We get asked your basic questions. Once the interview is concluded we are ushered backstage where we change into our costumes. There isn't much of a difference in my clothes but Taylor has a skirt and crop to on. She has a diamond earing that runs about a third of the way up her ear. She has some white chunky heels on and few more bracelets along with the gold one I gave her.

I have some jeans and a open checked shirt with a white shirt underneath. I just have a pair of white converses on. My outfit is pretty basic. But I like it that way. we both get wired up. Our monitors are fitted and tested and we begin to warm up.


I am side of stage watching Taylor do her thing on stage. She is loose and carefree in the song. She sings it like she is at home in the shower with her hair brush, not bad, but not caring what the people think of her. She is showing her true self and everyone is loving it. She walks to the top of the stage reaching out touching the desperate, outreached hands of our fans. Her body glides around the stage confident and self- assured. She has her back up dancers around her and they do a few small moves along with her.

Once her song comes to an end she is left on the stage in her final pose and her dancers around her. Her chest rising and falling rapidly as she lets in and out ragged breaths. The crowd is cheering and giving her an ovation. Her smile reaches from either side of her face. See, this is what we both live for. There is nothing better then performing.

I run up on stage and elope my arms around her small body. The crowd has become louder due to me coming on stage too. there are chants coming from the back which slowly make their way up to the front like a wave, each time it crashes it picks up someone in front.

Kochie and Sam come out and talk about how amazing this performance was, which I agree with. They ask Taylor about what she was think and feeling with the song. It was not a heavy, emotional song or a song with a controversy behind it. It was purely a fun upbeat song which just makes you want to get up and dance.

Kochie and Sam cut to an ad break where they change the set a bit. Taylor thinks I'll be singing the song that made me break out in the American market. But, I have talked with management and I have come up with a song for Taylor. I started to write the piece before the whole incident, but when Taylor was in a coma I changed a few lyrics and in the past few days have added a few more and finished off the song.

Once the stage is done I walk out on stage. the crowd erupt once more. I sit down on a stool with my first ever guitar in my hands. When I'm ready a send a smile and a wave to the fans acknowledging their chants and calls. The tech guys and set up a microphone in front of my Ashton guitar. The costume and makeup come up and do final touch ups then scurry off to their assigned areas.

I calm down my nerves. No one knows what this song is. I pray that there is a good reception from the crowd. I breath in, and out. I let my shoulders relax and sit loosely. I roll my ankles around in circles loosening myself a bit. I look to my right and see Taylor. She gives me a sweet smile and a double thumbs up. I can do this.

I nod to the band that I'm ready. I strum my guitar down cheeking it's in tune. The guy behind the camera is signaling for five seconds, four, three, two, one...

I strum down letting the music wash over me. Everyone is dead silent. No one but the band have heard the song. I sing with all my heart and leave myself 100% vonriable to the world. I know this performance will be watched by the eyes of the world. I wanted it to be something worth it. A song I wrote because I love the subject of the song, my girlfriend, Taylor Kelly.

I and immersed in the song. No worrying about anything, just letting the words flow out of me. When I finish singing a wave of silence sweeps over the audience. No one has spoken. I pull off my guitar and set in on the stand next to me. There is an eerie feel until...


There's only a few more chapters left... So sad.

I'm thinking of a sequel. Message me any ideas and stuff.

Love you all,

Kath xxx

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