Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Zack POV

I wake up pressed against my beautiful girlfriend. She is nude and I know I am too. After last night. Her amazing win, us dancing  the night away in each others arms and then ... well there's last night in bed. One word. Amazing!

I sluggishly roll over to look at to the alarm. 6:43. I know that we have to get to school by 8:30. Maybe we can be a bit late. I get up out of bed slowly trying not to wake my sleeping beauty. I grab my boxers and sweatpants off the floor and walk into our kitchen starting breakfast . Our house is quite big for just Tay, me and my little 3 year old sister Lily. It has 5 bedrooms enough for us and some friends and family to be ablde to stay. A big kitchen that Taylor absolutly loves and 2 barthrooms and an en suite in our room. We don't live in a really rich area it's pretty normal area with families .

It's just the three of us most of the time. My mum died giving birth to her. My dad always blamed Lils for it. He turned abusive and depressed. He is now in custody for abuse of me and Lily. When I turned 16 I became her legal guardian and with the help of Tay and her parents we left my dad behind to start our new lives in LA as internationally renowned singers. I don’t hate my dad. He’s just sick. But I never agreed with his choice. Lily is beautiful little girl. She holds another special place in my heart. One that I can only give to my baby sis. I don’t know what I do when she wants to start dating. I have started taking the father role to Lils. She doesn’t understand what exactly has happened. She knows that Dad is a Meanie and Mum’s in heaven. She understands quite a lot compared to what 3 year old should. I will protect her and make sure she will never go through that pain ever again. Tay, Lils and all look out for each other. Lils love Taylor and even calls her sissy.

We have so many spare rooms for friends and family, well Taylor's. I never want to see mine except My little sister. Taylor's family accepts Lils and I. Her mum Helen asked, scratch that made us call her Mum. Tay's dad always talk about guy stuff with me and didn't care that I am dating his daughter. But he did give me the lecture about "If you hurt my daughter I cut your ball off and feed them to wild animals."

"Morning Zacky!" My 3 year old sister Lily exclaims while latching onto my leg. Last night mum, well Taylor's looked after  her while we were out.

"Good morning, hows my baby sister this fine morning?" She giggles  adorably as I tickle her off my leg. After a few seconds she gives in and calls uncle. I stop to sit her on the table as I finish off my loves breakfast.

Once we finished Tay's breakfast I get Lily to show and change while I wake up my girlfriend.

"Baby, hey baby. Wake up we have school" I  slowly shake her and place kisses around her face.

She slowly stirs and then her eyelids flutter open. She smiles and looks me in the eye. I can't help myself. I lean down and place long, passionate kiss square on her lips. She licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. Of course I give it to her. Our tongues fight for dominance and she lest mine win. I grab her bare hips in my hand pull them closer. After a few minutes of making out Tay pulls back out of breath. I latch on to her neck, leaving bite marks down her neck. As I get to her collarbone she lets soft moan.

“Mmm, Good Morning babe.” Taylor whispers in my ear. She sits up to me. All the blankets that were covering her fall down and she quickly covered her now bare torso. I pull her arms down.

“Babe, you are beautiful. Don’t you ever hide  yourself from me. Please.” I see a soft blush come through her cheeks. And she places a kiss on my cheek as if to say thank you.

“Common lets get changed and eat. Lils and I made breakfast.” We walk into the wardrobe and change into our school clothes. We have two sections or good Hope and Jack clothes and then our normal clothes. Tay puts on dark wash jean shorts and Harvard T-Shirt and a pair of white converses and her fake black rimmed glasses. She lets her light brown hair fall flawlessly down her back. I grab my denim shorts and a black polo shirt. I slip on my black converses and grab my real glasses, Yep I’m somewhat blind. I always wear contacts, but Tay says she like me glasses. She says she likes the nerd look.

We both walk and Lils attacks Tay. “Coggratuatons Taytay!” Taylor thanks her and picks her up and sets her on her hip.Lils diesn't really know what Taylor won but she does know it means she can celebrate. We walk over and have the am and chese omelette and toast. Over breakfast we talk about whatw e'll do on the weekend. So far it looks like we are going to the zoo, AGAIN. A little someone suggested it. Once we finish eating we make our to school but,  first dropping Lils off at her kindi.

I look over to Tay while we’re driving I grab her hand and bring it to my lap and play with her fingers.  As we pull into  the school I hear her sigh "Come on babe we only have 2 more months then we are finished with high school."

"Yeah but we have to reveal our true identity to the world." She sighs. I know I don't want to tell the world who we really are. Will have no privacy.

I bring her hand to my lips and place a soft kiss. "We'll get through it together. Always and forever."

I love her. I don’t see my life with anyone else. We have been together since we were born. I’m just a few weeks older than her. Our Mothers were really close friends and our fathers were business partners. That was before everything bad happened. Taylor, her brother Dean and myself would do everything together. They were both my best friends but I always felt something more with Taylor. I felt a pull towards her. I wanted to protect her, but not as a brother. I wanted to make her laugh when she was sad. I wanted to hug her and hold her close. I want to do this forever and the rest off both our lives.

We would always spend time together as kid in cubby house there we really did nothing. When we were younger we played ‘Families’, When we got older we would sit inside there and do homework and sometimes just do absolutely do nothing, just sit and talk. We were totally comfortable with each other.

Over the hot day when we weren’t at the beach we would go swimming in the pool in her backyard. We were practically joined at the hip. Her Mum would often joke about us being together when we were older. Well look where we are now. both 18 doing what we love together while in love.

Tay turn and kisses my lips. She pulls back and smiles "Always and forever."

Hey world,

So the second chapter is up. I hope you like it vote, send through some comments about it and please help me improve it. What do you guys think so far? How can I improve it? 

I'm on holiddays at the momment so hopefuly I'll be writing alot. Please read. Above is a picture of Zack AKA LIam Hemsworth. 

Thanks a bunch,

Love you all,


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