Snape's hand dropped and looked at my with a pointed stare

I looked at where my two best friends had run off to before looking at my professor with a questioning glare.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" I questioned.

Snape sighed quickly looking around seeing no students before grabbing my wrist dragging me with him.

"Hey stop that let me go!" I yelled but tried not to be too loud so that we would cause too much attention.

Snape ignored me and just gave me a stern look that said 'shut up' and just kept dragging me to wherever the hell he was taking me so I just continued walking now without a noise.

time skip

Snape finally stopped walking and let go of my had  and next thing I realized he was pushing me into what I assumed was his chambers.

I walked in afte the pushing em and looked around to see a very dull black room with a desk filled with potions books.

I mean what else would I expect from a Potion Master that also happens to be a dungeon bat.

After Snape shut the door he turned and looked at me for a moment  before sighing and walking over to his desk.

My eyes followed him as he walked confused as to what this was all about.

He picked up what looked to be a letter in his desk before turning  and handing it to me.

I looked at him with caution before looking at the letter and freezing.

I didn't recognize the wax seal but I did notice the fact that there was a snake on it.

There wasn't anyone I knew who had that type of seal but I knew of someone who had a big thing with snakes

"Is this from... is this from who I think it is?" I looked up at Snape my hands shaking my eyes were so wide I could practically feel them falling out of my head.

Snape sighed and looked at me with sad eyes.

" I don't know what it's about but your father told me about it," He looked down at me. " All I know is that it is from him and that you had to read it at once"

As much as I didn't want open it I trusted Snape that he wouldn't be doing something that would cause me harm.

I closed my eyes pushing down my fear and quickly and carefully opened the letter and started to read the contents:

"Dear Miss Arabella Malfoy,

            If you're reading this then Snape had done

his job and given you this letter. You might not

know me, but I know all about you, your father has

informed me that you have become a very nice

young lady over the years, I haven't seen  you since

you were a baby and even then I knew you were

perfect. I'm not gonna make this letter long because

I  will see you soon but just know I'm always

watching. And also ask Snape for the package I left

you should like it.

Love always.


I looked at the letter tears streaming down my face.

"What the hell does he want with me Professor"I gasped out finally looking at my professor who was trying to keep a stern look on but you could tell he felt bad for me.

" All your father told me to tell you was that you would see him soon and to be ready." He grumbled

I looked at him with annoyance.

"I already know that, that's what the letter told me is there anything else you could tell me that  isn't something I already know?" I looked at him with a desperate look to know anything that's was happening.

Snape shook his head I sighed looking down with disappointment.

"And what is with this package that the letter mentions?" I questioned him.

Snape has funny look on his face for a moment before walking off and coming back with a light brown package with holes in it,

"This is the only package I have received from him," He shortly explains handing the box to me.

I take the box from him before deciding to open it and what was inside shocked me

"He got me a snake!" I yelled.

"Moon's going to kill me." I mumbled looking at the obsidian colored snake in front of me.

Okay guys quick question would you guys be terrible apprised to me adding a new love interest, for Arabella or is that like a no.

A part of me wants to add a love interest that already a character in the universe but it's a bit different

Some of you might know what I mean because I kinda mentioned it but I could go
farther with this or not so let me know

I like it but I'm not sure how you guys feel about it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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