Chapter 6:Truth and Love

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Fallacy's POV

Encre's grandmother poured some tea and sat across from me.

"I didn't always make these quizzes. I used to believe in love at first sight and all those clichés.........Until it costed my family so much...."She says

She snaps her fingers and an album appears in her lap. She sets it on the table. She flips through the pages, showing me pictures.

"I see so much of his mother in Encre. Before he was born, there was peace among everyone. Well, mostly. Monsters were monsters and humans were humans. There was no division between monsters and beasts. War was brewing between monsters and humans though. In the middle of all that was a little ray of sunshine, my daughter Eliza. She was a sweet, creative and caring little girl. She was honest, generous, and her smile was contagious. She was the kind of person who would give a stranger a coat or a place to stay if they needed help. My little pumpkin was so artisitc and like Encre, thought that differences don't divide people, but should make them unique and bring them together. But then....She met him."She explains, shutting the book

I sip some of the tea. She shakes her head.

"She met this man named Vicktor and thought they fell in love. Or she thought they did. Next thing ya know they are married and have a little baby boy named Encre. A few months after he was born, Vicktor showed his true colors. It was a week before they changed when I got this."She says, taking out a card with a painting on it.

Like a post card. There were two people. One was a beautiful girl with colorful eyes, multi-colored hair short and wavy, the ink blotch on the cheek that Encre has, and a charming smile. She looks so happy. Beside her was a man that was frowning and his face blacked out. In the corner there was a message in red saying See you soon Mom! -Eliza

 In the corner there was a message in red saying See you soon Mom! -Eliza

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"This was the last time I'd get any message from her or visit. She never came. He never came. Encre never came. I waited a few days, then a week. I went to her home and found Encre curled up in a corner, crying and bleeding from the neck. My daughter was gone and he was only a few years old, left to die. I scooped him up and checked him. He had a cursed symbol carved into his neck. He looks around and kept saying Mama. Then Vicktor came as I was healing it. He was busted and he knew it. Turns out he loves to do Black Magic stuff. And Eliza was his test subject.  He referred to her as it. My daughter as a thing, not a person. And he cursed Encre to forget his parents and to be put through pain on this day to ensure he never remembers what he witnessed. The most he knows is his father known as the Démon du Vide, French for the Void Demon. I took Encre in and forbid Vicktor from ever coming for Encre. I never told him about this because how do you tell a child that his father cursed him and took away his mother? He dealt with this curse for years and I did what I could to help him. I never said anything because who would believe a nutty lady like me? So, I vowed to make sure nobody ever gets to do that to Encre. That's why I am so protective. I made spells, potions, enchanted my cane for more force, made quizzes and raised him like I raised his mother but also taught him to be aware of the dangers in the world. I quizzed everyone that ever got close to him so the wrong person never got the chance to hurt him. And now you know the truth behind it."She explains

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